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Data Model and Properties Definition

Properties can be defined for each component. Properties define the data model to be used in the component. For List Components or Grid Components (standalone or within a Master/Detail Component), information about the data model in which the data is provided by a Technical Process is mandatory. Within one Master/Detail Component, data is shared between the different components (see Properties in Master/Detail).

Properties are defined at the beginning of the component declaration within Properties:

        <Property name="Person" type="Complex">
            <Property name="Vorname" type="String"/>
            <Property name="Nachname" type="String"/>
        <Label value="#Person.Vorname"/>
		<Label value="#Person.Nachname"/>

The data model defined here corresponds to the following scheme:

Possible attributes:


Display name of the property. Used in the column headers of Master/Detail Components, List Components and Grid Components.

Possible values: Any string


Name of the property. Required.

Possible values: Any string of alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)

Note that the property names Component, OrderBy, Where, FileId, FileName, FileType, FileData, To, From must not be used because they are preset and therefore validated.


Restricts access to read-only.

Possible values: true / false


Name of the property. Required.

Possible values:

  • Base64: Base64 encoded data
  • Boolean: Boolean values
  • Color: Hexadecimal color value
  • Complex: Object contains other objects (nested properties). Used for list entries, for example.
  • Date: Date specification in the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2020-01-18)
  • DateTime: Date and time specifications in the format YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss.fff (e.g. 2019-01-01T01:00:00.000Z)

    The date and time format must conform to ISO 8601.

    If no time zone is specified for a time entry, then the time zone of the server is used. On the server side, this time zone is then added.

    If a value with property type DateTime is used in a List Component, the specification of date and time is displayed in different ways depending on the existing values:

    • If all values have the value 0 for seconds (2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z), no seconds are displayed in the whole column.
    • If at least one value has a value different from 0, seconds are displayed in the whole column.

    The processing of the property type DateTime has changed with version 6.3. For all previous entries of the property type DateTime, as of version 6.3 not only the date but also the time is displayed!

  • Decimal: Decimals
  • Image: Graphic (Base64, resource in the folder Resources or external URL)

    If the graphic is stored as Base64 encoded string, the attribute mediaType="image/*" must be defined.

    If the image is stored as an external URL, then the attribute type="Image" must also be specified.

  • Video: Video (Base64, resource in the folder Resources or external URL)
  • Integer: Integers
  • List: Contains list elements. Used for ComboBox and ListView.
  • String: String
  • URL: URL

    The XML data provided by the Technical Process have to contain the type and externLinkTarget attributes.

Data from the Technical Process

Data can be provided by a Technical Process, for example to generate lists dynamically. This data must correspond to the format defined by the properties. The data is bound to the UI elements using Data Binding. Within the XML file provided by a Technical Process, each element corresponds to a property. The value contained by the element is the value of the property.


The XML data provided by the Technical Process has either <Ok> or <OkList> as root element. <Ok> is used for Detail Components, <OkList> for List Components and Grid Components.


The XML data provided by the Technical Process have to contain the type and externLinkTarget attributes.


Display name that will be displayed instead of the record.

Possible values: Any string


Defines whether the URL is an internal or external link.

Possible values:

  • internal
  • external

Defines in which window the URL data type is opened.

Possible values:

  • same: The URL will be opened in the same window.
  • new: The URL will be opened in a new window.

Example for a simple properties definition

The following example shows a property named Example of type String.

		<Property name="Example" type="String" />

Example for a complex property definition

Properties can be nested. A property that contains one or more other properties is always of type Complex.

The following example shows a complex property:

Example for a complex property definition

		<Property name="Example" type="String" />
        <Property name="Example2" type="Complex">
            <Property name="Internal" type="String"/>
            <Property name="Visible" type="Boolean"/>
        <Label value="#Example"/>
        <Checkbox checked="#Example2.Visible" displayName="Visible"/>
        <Label value="#Example2.Internal" visible="#Example2.Visible"/>

Example for a XML file with complex properties


Example data binding

<DetailComponent process="fillDetail.wrf">


        <Label value="#Example" />
        <Checkbox checked="#Example2.Visible" displayName="Visible" />
        <Label value="#Example2.Internal" visible="#Example2.Visible" />


The result of this example is a detail component that displays data from detailData.xml:


Properties support validations. These allow to define rules that must apply to the values entered for properties.

To define validation rules, the Validation element must be used within the Property element. The Validation element can contain any number of Validation elements with validation rules and messages.

<Property name="test" type="Integer">
            <Value operator="eq" expected="0" />
			<Message>The entered value is not correct.</Message>

The above example shows a validation rule. This rule checks if the value specified for the property test is 0. The element Message is used to output a corresponding message.

Validations affect if the save action is active. If the validation is not passed, the save action within the component is not active. Therefore, components that contain invalid entries cannot be saved.

Possible validation types

The following validation types can be used as child elements within Validation:


Checks if a specific value is contained in a property value. The attribute value specifies the corresponding value.

EmailNo attributes required. Checks if the property value is a valid email address.

Checks if the property value ends with a specific value. The attribute postfix specifies the corresponding value.


Defines a maximum value for the property value. The attribute value specifies the corresponding value.


Defines a maximum string length for the property value. The attribute value specifies the corresponding value.

MessageDefines the message to be output as result of the validation.

Defines a minimum value for the property value. The attribute value specifies the corresponding value.


Defines a minimum string length for the property value. The attribute value specifies the corresponding value.


Checks if the property value matches a specific pattern. The attribute pattern specifies the corresponding pattern.

RequiredNo attributes required. Checks if the property value is not empty.

Checks if the property value starts with a specific value. The attribute prefix specifies the corresponding value.


Checks using an operator (attribute operator) if the entered value corresponds to the expected value (expected).

Possible operators

Several operators are available for validation rules:

gtgreater than
gt_eqgreater than or equal
ltless than
lt_eqless than or equal
neqnot equal

The attribute expected is the so-called control value. This value is used to apply the validation.

Example: <Value operator="gt" expected="0" /> means that the value of a property is checked to see if it is greater than 0.

Example logical operations

The following example shows how validations can be logical linked. If several rules are defined within a Validation element, they are linked with AND. If several Validation elements including rules are contained within a Validations element, then these are linked with OR.

Example validation

<Property name="test" type="Integer">
			<Value operator="eq" expected="0" />
			<Value operator="gt_eq" expected="10" />
			<Value operator="lt_eq" expected="15" />

In this example, the validation is passed, if the value of the property test equals 0 OR simultaneously is greater or equal 10 AND less or equal 15.

Example <Message>

A message can be defined within a Message element. This message is displayed in the input control to which the property to be validated is bound.

Please note the following specifications!

  • If the Message element is defined directly within the Validations element, the message is always displayed.
  • If no Message element is defined within the Validations elements, the messages defined in the appropriate Validation element will be displayed.
  • If no Message element is defined within the Validations element, all Validation elements must contain a message.
  • The message is defined directly within the Validations element:

    Example: Message is specified directly within the validation element

    <Property name="test" type="Integer">
    		<Message>Please enter correct value</Message>

    The above example results in the following messages:

    Validation fails because no input was made.

    Validation fails because no valid email address has been entered.

    Validation is successful. No message is displayed.
  • For each validation rule a message is defined:

    <!-- <Message>Too long</Message> -->
            <Message>End with fin and contains z</Message>
            <EndsWith postfix="fin" />
            <Contains value="z" />
            <Message>Too long</Message>
            <MaxLength value="10" />
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