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Properties of a Technical Process (.wrf)

Technical Processes (.wrf) are modelled graphically using the Process Editor. Processes can be executed on the X4 Server, if all components were parameterized and linked correctly with repository files.

You can edit the properties of a process in the Properties view, by clicking on a free area of the Process Editor's workspace.

The most common properties are displayed by default, however, additional settings can be made using the Properties view toolbar:

  • 6c8821c3-d0eb-4a78-967a-104a8d1282a1.png  Show Categories: Show properties sorted by categories

  • 157b891b-c6cc-4ba6-84a1-0308625cda84.png  Show Advanced Properties: Show advanced properties




Process title; Can be changed, if required

Show Title

Show or hide process title by enabling or disabling the checkbox


Process description; Can be changed, if required


Project version

(info) If no version is set, the time stamp is taken as version.

Project Name

Project name; Can be changed, if required


Creation date of the process

Created by

Creator of the process

Last Update

Date of the last change

Last Update by

Name of the last editor


Manage Metadata

Manage metadata, e.g. add, delete or edit; To do this, select the property and click 1b5306b5-f2de-45f7-9de9-15c7a7f6c3cf.png, see Prozess-Metadaten hinzufügen



Complete relative path of the process in the X4 repository; Is set automatically

Can Stop

Process can be stopped at runtime

(info) This property is not inherited by subprocesses.

Possible values:

  • true: For typical processes (default)

  • false: For critical processes that need to be completed

Stop on error

Stop the process execution in case of an error

Possible values:

  • true: Stop process execution, if an error occurs (default)

  • false: Continue erroneous process (if possible)

In service

Set process active or inactive. If inactive processes are executed, they receive the process ID -1. Subprocesses (processes called from other processes) can always be executed – independently from this property.

Possible values:

  • true: Process can be executed (default)

  • false: Process cannot be executed (only called as subprocess)


Time scheduling tool enabling the scheduled execution of processes on the X4 Server without X4 Designer; To schedule a process, select this property, and click 


Possible values:

  • Disabled: No schedule was defined (default).

  • Enabled: A schedule for this process was defined.

Instance limit

Maximum number of instances of this process that can be executed at the same time

Please Note!

Instance limit is ignored, if the process is executed as subprocess.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer number

  • 0: No limitation (default)


Free text area to name the business process owner

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