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Web applications created with X4 Web Apps consist of modules that contain Components. You can define the following attributes for individual modules in the same way as for the web application itself:




Defines which role can access the module.

Possible values: Name of a previously defined role


The roles are managed in the Keycloak Administration Console. For more information, see Managing Access to Web Apps.


Defines whether the module should be loaded and opened first.


Only one module may have the value default="true".

Possible values: true / false


Display name of the module. Displayed in the browser tab.

Possible values: Any string


Defines whether users/groups that do not have access to the module can see the module.

Possible values: true / false

For more information, see Managing Access to Web Apps.


Defines the color of the icon in the application.

This setting overwrites the default color of the color scheme.

Possible values:

  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00

Do not use a hash before the color value or a shortened notation of the color value.

  • Color code from the color palette of the Web App (see Theming), e.g. A200


Path to a graphic file or specification of a Material Icon that will be used as the module's icon.

  • The graphic file must be contained in the Resources folder in the Web App project. Path specification relative to the Resources folder.

  • The Material Icon must be defined with the prefix icon, e.g. icon:<MaterialIconName>.

Possible values:

  • String (URI), e. g. clock.png

  • icon:<MaterialIconName> , e. g. icon:extension

With Ctrl+Space you get an overview of the available icons. The selection may differ from the Material Icons actually available.


Path to the module. Displayed in the address bar of the browser.

Possible values: String of alphanumeric characters (no umlauts, dots, etc.)

Multiple modules can be defined for a web application which are displayed in the header of the application. Modules containing submodules can be selected via the Hamburger menu icon in the upper left corner (image-20240704-112856.png) to expand and collapse them.

Due to the responsive design, not all modules may be displayed in the view. In this case, you can select the modules that are not displayed by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner (image-20240704-112910.png) to select and display them.

Access rights can also be defined for the individual modules. How to do this is explained in the Managing Access to Web Apps section.

Example: Web app with multiple modules

<WebApp xmlns="">    
        <Module displayName="User Management" path="Module">
                <ComponentReference default="true" displayName="Users" path="UserManagement" source="Users/AllUsers.list" />
        <Module displayName="Scheduler" path="Module2">
        <Module displayName="Administration" path="Module3">
        <Module displayName="Services" path="Module4">
        <Module displayName="Calendar" path="Module5">

The example above leads to the following result:

Desktop view

Mobile view

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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