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Web applications consist of different components, each of which is defined in a separate file. The components are then referenced within Components via the <ComponentReference> element.

Inheritance of properties via navigation is not possible.

There are different types of components:

Detail ComponentDetailComponentDisplays text. 
List ComponentListComponentDisplays data in the form of dynamically generated lists.
Calendar ComponentCalendarComponentDisplays a calendar.
Master/Detail ComponentMasterDetailComponent

Can consist of the structural elements Master, Detail and Overlay. A dynamically generated list is displayed in the master area. Depending on the selected entry in this list, more detailed information on this entry is displayed in the detail structure element.

ExternalWeb ComponentExternalWebComponentEmbeds an external website into a web app.
Grid componentGridComponentDisplays data in a tabular format.

More detailed differences between the components are explained in the respective chapters.

<WebApp xmlns="" path="BeispielProjekt">
		<Module path="Module" displayName="My Module">
				<!-- Bereich für die Komponenten -->

Components can be nested within each other.

<WebApp xmlns="">
		<Module displayName="My Module" path="Module">
				<ComponentReference default="true" displayName="$Customers" iconUrl="logo.png" name="Home"
                path="Home" source="Customers/Customers.masterdetail"/>				
				<ComponentReference displayName="$Administration" iconUrl="Gear.png" path="Administration"
						<ComponentReference displayName="$Country" iconUrl="Country.png" name="Countries" 
						path="Countries" source="Administration/Country/Country.masterdetail"/>
						<ComponentReference displayName="$Event" iconUrl="Event.png" name="Event" 
						path="Event" source="Administration/Event/Event.masterdetail/>

When components are nested, they are displayed as sub-items in the menu:

When nesting components, make sure that a Components element is first created within the outer component. Components contains the subordinate components.

Attributes for components

Components can have the following attributes:




Defines the font family within the component. The property is inherited by all controls and actions of the component.

Possible values: Font code from the font list, e.g. Font04


Defines the font size within the component. The property is inherited by all controls and actions of the component.

Possible values:

  • Any integer or decimal number with a dot as decimal separator, e.g. 20; 20.8; .9
  • Font size in pixels, e.g. 20px
  • Font size in point, e.g. 18pt
  • Font size compared to the font size of the parent element, e.g. .8em or 120%.
  • Key words:xx-Small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, smaller, larger

Defines the width of the individual characters. The property is inherited by all controls and actions of the component.

Possible values:

  • Condensed
  • Expanded
  • ExtraCondensed
  • ExtraExpanded
  • Medium
  • Normal (default)
  • SemiCondensed
  • SemiExpanded
  • UltraCondensed
  • UltraExpanded

Defines the slant of the font. The property is inherited by all controls and actions of the component.

Possible values:

  • italic: italic font
  • normal: normal font (default)
  • oblique: oblique font style (calculated)

Defines the font weight. The property is inherited by all controls and actions of the component.

Possible values:

  • Black
  • Bold
  • DemiBold
  • ExtraBlack
  • ExtraBold
  • ExtraLight
  • Heavy
  • Light
  • Medium
  • Normal (default)
  • Regular
  • SemiBold
  • Thin
  • UltraBlack
  • UltraBold
  • UltraLight

Defines the color of the component's icon.

This setting overwrites the default color of the color scheme!

Possible values:

  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00

    Do not use a hash before the color value or a shortened notation of the color value!
  • Colour code from the colour palette of the web app (cf. Theming), e.g. A200

Path to a graphic file or specification of a material icon that is used as the icon of the component.

  • The graphic file must be contained in the Resources folder directly within the web app project. Path specification relative to the Resources folder.
  • The material icon must be specified with the prefix icon, e.g. icon:<MaterialIconName>.

Possible values:

  • Character string (URI), e.g. clock.png
  • icon:<MaterialIconName> , e.g. icon:extension

With Ctrl+space you get an overview of the available icons. Another overview is also available online. The selection may differ from the actual material icons available.


Required. Path to the .wrf file that provides the data for the component. The Technical Process must be contained in the Services/Processes folder. Path relative to the Services/Processes folder.

Possible values: String (URI)


Title of the component. Displayed in the application as a header.

  • Data binding possible

Possible values: Any character string or data binding expression


Defines the title background color.

Possible values:

  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00

    Do not use a hash (#) before the color value and do not use a shortened notation of the color value!
  • Color code from the color palette of the web app (cf. Theming), e.g. A200

Defines a color for the title foreground.

Possible values:
  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00

    Do not use a hash before the color value and do not use a shortened notation of the color value!
  • Color code from the color palette of the web app (cf. Theming), e.g. A200
Components must contain a layout.
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