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Overview of System Parameters

The following parameters are provided with the X4 BPMS:


Number of the currently executed process action.

Example: 3


Relative repository path and file name of the Technical Process that called the current Technical Process.

This parameter can only be substituted, if the current Technical Process has been invoked directly from another Technical Process as subprocess.

Example: Project/Processes/ProcessCaller.wrf


File name (without file extension *.wrf) of the Technical Process that called the current Technical Process directly as subprocess.

This parameter can only be substituted, if the current Technical Process has been invoked directly from another Technical Process as subprocess.

Example: ProcessCaller


Relative repository path of the Technical Process that called the current Technical Process directly as subprocess.

Example: Project/Processes/


Relative repository path and file name of the current Technical Process.

Example: Project/Processes/Process.wrf


File name (without file extension *.wrf) of the current Technical Process  (*.wrf). 

Example: Process


Relative repository path of the current Technical Process.

This parameter can only be substituted, if the current Technical Process has been invoked directly from another Technical Process as subprocess.

Example: Project/Processes/


Name of the current respository project.

Example: Project


Host name of the current X4 Server.

Example: YC-WS-000.yourcompany.local


HTTP port that has been defined in the configuration file x4config.xml within the element <webContainerURL/>.

Example: 8080


Name of the current X4 Server instance that has been defined in the configuration file x4config.xml within the element <instanceName>.

Example: X4


IP address of the X4 Server.



Current date and time in the ISO format yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.

The date is based on the local time zone, which can be set separately if required.

See detailed information further down this page: Setting the time zone for the %NOW% and %NOW_PLAIN% parameters

Example: 2021-08-11T17:46:50


Current date and time in the format yyyyMMddhhmmss aus.

The date is based on the local time zone, which can be set separately if required.

See detailed information further down this page: Setting the time zone for the %NOW% and %NOW_PLAIN% parameters

Example: 20210811174650


ID of the current Technical Process instance as an integer number that is unique within an X4 Server instance. Subprocesses are executed with the same Technical Process ID, however, not processes that have been started using the Process Starter.

Example: 1628696804892237809

If multiple instances of the X4 Server are executed within one application server simultaneously, it is recommended to use the unique parameter %UID% instead of %PID%.


Outputs the unique UUID of the start process.


Relative repository path and file name of the Technical Process that has been started originally. If the current Technical Process has been started as a subprocess of another Technical Process, the path and file name of this main Technical Process will be displayed.

Example: Project/Processes/ProcessCaller.wrf


File name (without file extension *.wrf) of the originally started Technical Process.

If the current Technical Process has been started as a subprocess of another Technical Process, the file name of this main Technical Process that has created the current Technical Process context will be displayed.

When calling a Technical Process with the Process Starter, a new Technical Process context will be created.

Example: ProcessCaller


Relative repository path of the Technical Process that has been started originally. If the current Technical Process has been started as a subprocess of another Technical Process, the path of this main Technical Process will be used.

Example: Project/Processes/


Number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970, 0:00 h.

Example: 1628696810712


Name of the X4 Server instance %INSTANCE% and the current Technical Process ID (%PID%).

Thus, the process instance can be identified explicitly, if multiple X4 Server instances are executed within one application server simultaneously.

Example: X41628696804892237809


Repository folder path (absolute or relative) of the current user in the X4DB; the so-called "user collection".

This value is taken from the global configuration file X4config.xml from with the element <repositoryPath>. Here also a relative path can be defined.

Example: C:\X4\X4DB\1 or ./X4DB/1


Absolute repository folder path of the current user in the X4DB; the so-called "user collection"

Example: C:\X4\Server\X4DB\1


ID of the current user, whose repository folder contains the Technical Process ("user collection"). Since X4 BPMS version 4.0, the user ID is a string and no longer an integer number.



Absolute path of the current working directory, where the application server has been started.

Example: C:\X4\Server

Setting the time zone for the %NOW% and %NOW_PLAIN% parameters

You can set the timezone for X4 by setting a parameter to the start of X4 / wildfly in the startX4.bat (Windows) or (Linux) file.


@set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Duser.timezone=Europe/Berlin


@set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Duser.timezone=UTC


@set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Duser.timezone=US/Eastern

Parameter for Web Services

Within the Webservice Configuration Editor additional parameters can be enabled to be used exclusively for web services. This allows to enable parameter handling for this ReSTful webservice or SOAP webservice operation, and hand over HTTP request information to the Technical Process context as parameters (as a more efficient alternative to Input ModHTTP-MetaXml).

Possible values:

  • DisabledDo not provide parameters within the Technical Process from the HTTP request (Default)

  • Enabled: Provide parameters within the Technical Process context that contain HTTP request information

If option Enabled is selected, the following parameters with HTTP request information are available within the Technical Process context, e.g. within XSL mappings:

  • REQUEST_PARAMETER_<Name>: Desired parameter (case-sensitive!)

  • REQUEST_HEADER_<NAME>: Desired HTTP header (only uppercase!)












These parameters can be used like default parameters, but cannot be overwritten.

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