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Within a component, buttons can be created that trigger actions. These buttons are always displayed at the top of the screen before the content of the component. Typical actions include deleting and saving of content. Actions are defined within the <Actions> element.

The following actions can be defined:

All actions except custom actions and the SelectAction have predefined display names and icons. These may be overwritten if necessary.

The following table explains the attributes that can be used for all actions.


Defines a color for the background of the button.

This setting overwrites the default color of the color scheme!

Possible values:

  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00

    Do not use a hash (#) in front of the color value!

    Do not use a shortened notation of the color value!

  • Color code from the color palette of the Web App (see Theming), e.g. A200

Name of the component to navigate to at the end of the action.

Possible values: Any string

This attribute cannot be defined for the action "Cancel" and will result in a validation error if the attribute is set anyway.


Label of the button.

  • Translatable

Possible values: Any string or translation key


This attribute cannot be defined for the SelectAction action.


Activates the action

  • Data binding (boolean) possible

Possible values: true / false or data binding expression

The enabled attribute replaces the obsolete disabled attribute. enabled="true" thus corresponds to the obsolete disabled="false" attribute.


Defines the font family. This attribute overwrites the default font family of the Web App for this control.

Possible values: Font code from the font palette, e.g. Font04


Defines the font size. This attribute overrides the default font size of the Web App for this control.

Possible values:

  • Font size in pixels, e.g. 20px
  • Font size in points, e.g. 18pt
  • Font size compared to the font size of the parent element, e.g. .8em or 120%
  • Key words, e.g. small or larger

Defines the width of the single characters. This attribute overrides the default width of the characters for this control.

Possible values:

  • Condensed
  • Expanded
  • ExtraCondensed
  • ExtraExpanded
  • Medium
  • Normal (default)
  • SemiCondensed
  • SemiExpanded
  • UltraCondensed
  • UltraExpanded

Defines the font inclination. This attribute overrides the default inclination of the characters for this control.

Possible values:

  • italic: italic characters
  • normal: normal characters (default)
  • oblique: italic characters (calculated)

Defines the font weight. This attribute overrides the default weight of the characters for this control.

Possible values:

  • Black
  • Bold
  • DemiBold
  • ExtraBlack
  • ExtraBold
  • ExtraLight
  • Heavy
  • Light
  • Medium
  • Normal (default)
  • Regular
  • SemiBold
  • Thin
  • UltraBlack
  • UltraBold
  • UltraLight

Defines a color for the foreground (texts, icons) of the button.

  • This setting overwrites the default color of the color scheme!
  • If a custom icon is used for the action with the iconUrl attribute, this icon is not displayed in the custom color. The graphic file that is used as icon must be provided directly in the desired color.

Possible values:

  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00

    Do not use a hash in front of the color value!
    do not use a shortened notation of the color value!
  • Color code from the color palette of the Web App (see Theming), e.g. A200

Defines the color of the icon.

Possible values:

  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00

    Do not use a hash in front of the color value or a shortened notation of the color value!
  • Color code from the color palette of the Web App (see Theming), e.g. A200

Defines the position of the icon on the button.

Possible values:

  • left: The icon is displayed on the left of the button (default).
  • right: The icon is displayed on the right of the button.

Path to an image file or specification of a Material Icon to be used as an icon.

  • The image file must be contained in the folder Resources directly below the web app project. Path relative to folder Resources.
  • The Material Icon must be defined with the icon prefix, e.g.  icon:<MaterialIconName> .

Possible values: 

  • String (URI), e.g. clock.png
  • icon:<MaterialIconName> , e.g. icon:extension

With  Ctrl+Space you get an overview of the available icons. The selection may differ from the actual available Material Icons.


Path to the .wrf file. The Technical Process must be contained in the folder Services/Processes. Path relative to folder Services/Processes.

Possible values: String (URI)

This attribute cannot be defined for the action "Cancel" and will result in a validation error if the attribute is set anyway.


Defines if an entry in the list has to be selected to perform the action. Works only in list components.

Possible values: true / false


Defines the text that is displayed as tool-tip of the action when the action button is hovered with the cursor.

Possible values: String

If the value of the tool-tip attribute is empty, no tool-tip is displayed.


Defines if the button for the action is visible.

  • Data binding (boolean) possible

Possible values: true / false or data binding expression

Each of the above actions can be extended with the <Parameters> element. Within the <Parameters> element, you can set further definitions using the <Parameter> element. 

The <Parameter> element contains the following mandatory attributes:




Name of the parameter

  • Data binding (boolean) possible

Possible values: string or data binding expression


Parameter value

  • Data binding (boolean) possible

Possible values: string or data binding expression

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