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Action "Download"

The action Download is created with the element <DownloadAction/> within <Actions>. The action Download enables to download data from the web application.

The attributes fileId and fileName are required for the element <DownloadAction/>.

In addition to the standard attributes for (7.4.0-en) Actions, the element <DownloadAction /> can have the following attributes:




Use only, if a base64 file is provided for download!

Defines which data is to be downloaded.

Possible values: Data binding expression

The Data Binding expression must refer to a property of type base64!


Required. Identifier that can be used by the process developer.

  • Data binding possible.

Possible values: Any string


Required. Name of the file to be downloaded. It is also used as the file name of the downloaded file by the user.

  • Data binding possible

Possible values: Any string

The action "Download File" not only supports the download of data from a Technical Process, but also base64 type properties can be downloaded. the attribute data must be used instead of the attribute process.

Example Download Base64 File
<Property name="data" type="Base64"/>
<DownloadAction fileId="tst" fileName="test.ext" data="#data"/>

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