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Access Rights Configuration: Managing Access to Components and Modules

The access to individual components or module in a Web App can be controlled with roles in Keycloak.

Access can be defined in the Web App Configuration .wac in the Access Right tab in the Access Rights Configuration area.

In the source view, access to the web app via roles is specified in the <AccessRights> element.

How to create the Access Rights

  1. Open the .wac file.

  2. Go to the tab Access Right.

  3. In the pane Access Rights, click Add.

  4. Enter a name for the new Access Right.
    (info) This name is used in the Components and Modules in the accessRight attribute.

  5. In the pane Roles, click Add.

  6. Enter the name of the role, corresponding exactly to the name of the role in Keycloak.
    (info) The name must correspond exactly to the name of the role in Keycloak, otherwise it will not be possible to match the role in X4 BPMS with the role in Keycloak.

You can now use the roles created in the Components and Modules in the accessRight attribute.

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