XML Text Extractor
The adapter extracts the contents of a node within an XML document as a text document. The node is targeted using an XPath expression.
Extractable elements
You can only extract elements of the CDATA type, attributes, or text.
Operation | Defines the operation executed by the adapter Possible values:
Adapter | Main adapter class (Do not change!) Possible values: |
xpath | XPath expression to select from the input XML document Possible values: Any valid XPath expression (e.g.
Status values
| The adapter doesn't output data (anymore). This status can be used as stop criterion of a loop within a Technical Process and indicates that no further data row is available. |
| The adapter outputs a result document.This status can be used as condition to enter a loop within a Technical Process and indicates that a further data row is available. |
| An error occurred during the adapter's execution (for details see server log). |
The adapter expects any valid XML document as input.
Example input XML document
<name>John Doe</name>
<street>42 Main Avenue</street>
<city>Example town</city>
<state>Example state</state>
<country>Example country</country>
<name>Jane Doe</name>
<street>22nd Street</street>
<city>Example city</city>
<state>Example state</state>
<country>Example country</country>
Set adapter parameters:
The adapter outputs a text document with processed data.
Example output
John Doe