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XML Editor 2

The XML Editor allows you to create and edit well-formed XML documents.

To start the XML Editor, either create a new XML document or open an existing document.

Structure of the XML editor

  • Two views are available for editing XML documents: The Design view and the Source view. You can switch between views via the tabs at the bottom of the editor.


The tree structure of the opened XML document is displayed in a table in the Design view. The left column contains the various nodes that you can expand and collapse if child nodes exist. The right column displays the contents of the nodes.

You can execute the following actions using the context menu:

  • Remove: Removes the highlighted node
  • Add DTD Information: Adds a structure definition in the form of a DTD (Document Type Definition)
  • Edit Namespaces: Edits namespaces
  • Add Attributes: Adds a new attribute
  • Add Child: Adds a new child node (element, processing instruction, etc.)
  • Add Before: Inserts a new node before the selected node
  • Add After: Inserts a new node behind the selected node

In the Source view, you can edit the source text of XML documents.

The editor supports you with the following functions:

  • Syntax highlighting: The different types of nodes are highlighted in color.

  • Well-formed: When saving, the XML document is checked for well-formedness.

  • Input help: The editor makes suggestions when you want to insert new elements.

  • Pretty print: Use the Source > Format menu to format your XML document more legibly with indents and line breaks.

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