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X4Document Interfaces

Process components, i. e. instances of, for example, an adapter can read and issue many document types: XML documents, as well as text or binary data. With the X4Document interface, adapters can access documents or generate with X4DocumentFactory an output document as result of the adapter operation. This can be an X4Document instance of a dom4j tree, a or a byte array.

Character encoding problems can be avoided, if XSL transformations get a DOM-based input within X4 processes. For byte-based documents the byte array is passed to the XML parser without additional information.

X4Document Methods 

public byte[] getAsByteArray()

Returns the content as byte array

public byte[] getAsByteArray(String encoding)

Returns the content as byte array with the encoding specified within encoding

public getAsInputStream()

Returns the InputStream of the access to the document content

public org.dom4j.Document getAsDocument() throws org.dom4j.DocumentException

Returns the content as dom4J DOM tree

public org.dom4j.Document getAsDocument(String encoding) throws org.dom4j.DocumentException,

Returns the content as dom4J DOM tree with the encoding specified within encoding

public void parseWithHandler (ContentHandler chandler) throws SAXException, IOException

Passes the content to the provided org.sax.ContentHandler instance (flush)

public String getMimeType()

Returns the MIME type of the document

public String getEncoding()

Returns the encoding of the document

public void setMimeType(String mimeType)

Sets the MIME type of the document

public void setEncoding(String encoding)

Sets the encoding of the document

X4DocumentFactory Methods 


public static X4Document createX4Document(byte[] bytes, String encoding, String mimeType)

Outputs the X4Document instance with the byte array content bytes, which has the encoding encoding and the MIME type mimeType

public static X4Document createDocument(Documentdoc, String encoding, String mimeType)

Outputs the X4Document instance with the dom4J tree content doc, which has the encoding encoding and the MIME type mimeType

public static X4Document createX4Document(InputStream is, String encoding, String mimeType) throws X4DocumentException

Outputs the X4Document instance with the content is, which has the encoding encoding and the MIME type mimeType


public class X4DocumentTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            is = new FileInputStream("Sample.xml");
            // create a new X4Document
            X4Document x4doc = X4DocumentFactory.createX4Document(is,
                    "cp-1252", "text/xml");
            // get content as a dom4j document
            System.out.println(x4doc.getAsDocument().asXML() + "\n");
            // get content as a byte array
            System.out.println(new String(x4doc.getAsByteArray())
                    + "\n");
            // parse the x4document's content
            SAXContentHandler chandler = new SAXContentHandler();
            System.out.println(chandler.getDocument().asXML() + "\n");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        } finally {
            if (is != null)
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioex) {
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