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X4 Server and Keycloak - Debian package for Ubuntu Linux

The following sections describe how to automatically install, register as a service and manage the X4 Server and the Keycloak based on a Debian package (.deb) on an Ubuntu or Debian Linux system.

Installing the X4 Server


  • The installation package will be started with sudo privileges.
  • The new user X4 and the new group X4 will be created during the installation of the X4 Server.
  • Once the installation is complete, the user X4 and the group X4 are the owner of the X4 file system.
  • Although the installed X4-Server service will be started with sudo privileges, the user X4 is the owner of this service execution.
  • Make sure that you have the relevant privileges for the specified installation path.


Before installing the current package, you must deinstall any existing installation of the X4 Server using the corresponding command.

How to install the X4 Server and Keycloak - Debian package for Ubuntu Linux package:

  1. Download the X4 Server and Keycloak - Debian package for Ubuntu Linux package from the SoftProject website from the X4 BPMS > Downloads section.
  2. Execute the installation using the sudo dpkg -i X4-Server_Ubuntu-7.v.v-r.x86_64.deb command.

    If you do not want to install the Keycloak authentication provider, use the sudo X4_INSTALL_AUTH_PROVIDER=no dpkg -i X4-Server_Ubuntu-7.v.v-r.x86_64.deb command.
    Example: sudo dpkg -i X4-Server_Ubuntu-7.0.0-1.x86_64.debfor release 1 of the X4 Server version 7.0.0.

    By default, the X4 Server will be installed at /opt/X4. You can use the INSTALL_PATH variable to change the installation path.
    Example: sudo INSTALL_PATH=/myNewPath/Tools dpkg -i X4-Server_Ubuntu-7.v.v-r.x86_64.deb

    The X4 Server will be installed in the specified folder, registered as X4-Server server and started directly. This process may take several seconds.

  3. Check if the server log under /opt/X4/wildfly/standalone/log/server.log contains any error messages.
    An X4 Server that was installed and started correctly does not issue any error messages (ERROR or FATAL). This should be the case at the latest after the second start of the X4 Server.
  4. Check if the Keycloak log under /opt/X4/keycloak/standalone/log/server.log contains any error messages.
    A Keycloadk that was installed and started correctly does not issue any error messages (ERROR or FATAL). This should be the case at the latest after the second start of the Keycloak.
  5. Restart the X4 Server using the sudo service X4-Server restart command.
    The X4 Server was installed successfully and will be executed as X4-Server service.
  6. Restart the Keycloak using the sudo service X4-Authentication-Provider restart command.
    The Keycloak was installed successfully.

After the successful installation or update of the X4 Server and the Keycloak using a Debian package, the installation folder contains the following items:



jdkContains the current Java Runtime Version as runtime environment for the WildFly application server.

Contains the in-memory database provided for testing purposes in the H2DB subfolder.

wildflyContains the preconfigured WildFly application server.
keycloakContains the Keycloak.
X4DBContains the central X4 Repository.
x4.licenseLicense file for the X4 Server. You have to copy the license file manually into this folder, it will not be available automatically. For more information, see the Licenses chapter.
X4config.xmlCentral configuration file of the X4 Server. For more information, see the Configuration via X4config.xml chapter in the Administration Guide.
apache-mavenContains maven plug-ins for X4.
configurationsFolder to store custom configurations, e.g. the keycloak_config.json file to connect your own Keycloak installation.
deploymentsContains the X4 Apps you have configured.
installation.checksumContains a checksum which is used to check the validity of the installed instance.
version.txtContains the X4 version number.
startKeycloak.shScript to start the Keycloak.
startX4.shScript to start the X4 Server.
stopX4.shScript to stop the X4 Server. 

Control Options for the X4-Server Service

The following options are available via the command line in order to control the X4 Server or the corresponding X4-Server service:

Start the X4-Server serviceservice X4-Server start
Stop the X4-Server serviceservice X4-Server stop
Restart the X4-Server serviceservice X4-Server restart

Control Options for the Keycloak Service 

The following options are available via the command line in order to control the X4-Authentication-Provider Keycloak service:

Start the X4-Authentication-Provider serviceservice X4-Authentication-Provider
Stop the X4-Authentication-Provider serviceservice X4-Authentication-Provider
Restart the X4-Authentication-Provider serviceservice X4-Authentication-Provider

Deinstalling the X4-Server Service

To deinstall an X4 Server installed using a Debian package and the corresponding X4-Server service, enter the sudo dpkg -r X4-Server command.

With the sudo dpkg -P X4-Server command, it is possible to remove all installation artefacts, including the configuration files, etc., for the X4-Server service without any residue.

It is not required to set the INSTALL_PATH variable during the deinstallation.

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