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X4 Server 7.4.1

HTTP(S) Requests Blocked Upon X4 Server Start

HTTP(S) requests to the X4 Server are blocked before the server starts, because they trigger exceptions and the X4 Server cannot start correctly.

Update Tool: Migrate X4 modules to a new location

When upgrading from an already installed X4 BPMS 7.3 version to X4 BPMS 7.4, a migration step in the update tool automatically migrates the WildFly modules to a new location.

Update Tool: Run in simulation mode

It is now possible to run the Update Tool in simulation mode. The Update Tool guides you through the simulation mode or you can run the simulation mode with the --dry-run command.

Update Tool: Restore the state before the update

If the update tool crashes during the update, it automatically restores the previous state of the X4 installation.

Update Tool: Updating the documentation

The documentation for X4 updates is contained in the newX4 BPMS Update Manual.

Changes in WildFly standalone.xml

User-name and password in the datasources XML element are now attributes and no longer XML elements.

X4 modules separate from WildFly

To facilitate WildFly updates, the WildFly modules are now separated from the X4 modules.

The WildFly/system/layers/base folder does not contain X4 modules, only WildFly modules.

Bearer tokens as a new parameter in the HTTP(S) connector

The HTTP(S) connector has a new Token parameter for setting the bearer token for authentication. The bearer token can still also be entered in the input XML file.

Process Monitoring Adapter: The name and order parameters are case-sensitive

The possible values for the name and order parameters are case sensitive.

Update of Keycloak to the latest version

The authentication provider Keycloak used in the X4 Server has been updated to version 25.0.0.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.