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X4 Designer 7.2.0

Pre-filled templates available for translations

Pre-filled templates are available when creating a new translation file in a Web App project to facilitate the creation of multi-language Web Apps.


Improved “Output” view when debugging

When debugging processes, it is now possible to search, copy and save the information in the Output view.


Web App Editor – Rename the title to HTML Head includes

In the web app editor (.wac editor), the title of the Header includes area for adding an HTML head element has been renamed to HTML Head includes to make the title easier to understand.


Indicate that process step has custom parameters

As soon as a user-defined parameter (custom parameter) has been defined in an adapter, a report or a mapping in a technical process, X4 Designer marks the process module with an icon. This allows you to immediately recognize for which process modules a custom parameter has been defined.


Adding JavaScript code to the Web App header

It is possible to add your own JavaScript code in the header of a Web App. The code is inserted directly before the closing </head> tag.

The resource file can be added through the .wac editor directly.


Renaming elements in the X4 Designer

To provide a consistent naming throughout all products and documents, some elements in the X4 Designer relating to the creation of processes in BPM and ESB projects have been renamed as follows:



ESB: Process

Technical Process

BPM: BPM Process

Business Process

New X4 logo in Designer and desktop icons

The X4 BPMS logo has been changed and can now be found in X4 Designer, the Desktop icons and in the installation directory.

Matching label names for Keycloak settings and X4 BPMS (WSINC/WAC)

To ensure consistent naming conventions in Keycloak and X4 BPMS for defining the Client settings, X4 Designer names for WSINC and WAC have been renamed




Client ID

Client Credentials

Client Secret


Clean X4 Common Library

The templates and process libraries available in the X4 Common Library were cleaned up, e.g. unusable files were removed.

Hide entries in the Problems view

In the Problems View, it is now possible to hide entries that will not be fixed but ignored, such as mandatory parameters set via dynamic parameters.


Add X4 Designer for macOS

The X4 Designer is now also available for macOS.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.