X4 System Requirements 7.4.3
X4 Server
Operating system |
Platform |
Hardware requirements | The following requirements only apply to Windows/Linux VM:
Note: Starting with a number of 500 processes to be executed, we recommend a system with at least 8 processor cores and 16 GB main memory, which must be available exclusively for X4 Server.Note on Docker: There are no minimum requirements for the operation under Docker. The allocated resources for an X4 instance in Docker should be determined independently and individually based on the specific use case. For more information, see https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/softproject/x4_server/general. |
X4 Web Apps
Operating system | X4 Web Apps are cross-platform usable via browser. |
Platform | Current browser (also mobile) with enabled JavaScript:
Recommended: Enable the hardware acceleration. |
X4 Designer
Operating system |
Platform | Runtime environment The X4 Designer is based on the Java platform (Version 11.0.17+8). With version 11, Azul Zulu 11.60.19 (Java 11 (LTS)) is already integrated as runtime environment. |
Hardware requirements |