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X4 Adapter

Warning instead of error issued if mandatory parameters are not set for an adapter

If mandatory parameters are missing in an adapter, a warning is displayed in the Problems view instead of an error.


FTP Connector – Checks if file to be downloaded exists

The FTP Connector now checks if the file to be downloaded exists on the server issuing an error message if the file is not available.

The new Exists operation with the path parameter has been added to the adapter.



Checks whether the files or folders specified in the path parameter exist. Outputs an XML with metadata as a result.



Path to a folder or file on the FTP(S)/SFTP server.

Possible values:

§  Any string (e.g. /Folder/Subfolder or /Folder/Subfolder/File.xml)

FTP Connector (Advanced) – Pass all files in local folder to FTP Server

When using the FTP Connector, multiple files stored in a local folder can now be passed to the FTP Server automatically in send and receive mode.

If transferring all files from the folder defined in the localPath parameter to the folder defined in the remotePath parameter:

  • Set multipleFiles parameter

  • Set documentname parameter NULL

Loop Adapter – Specifying number of loops executed in a process

Users can now set the count parameter which clearly specifies how often the loop will be executed in the process.

The Loop Adapter executes a specified number of loops in a process. As soon as the specified number of loop passes has been executed, the Loop Adapter outputs the status value 1.



Operation executed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • Count: Counts the number of loop passes.



Number of loop passes to be executed

Possible values:

  • Integer

IMAP and POP3 Email Adapters – adding OAuth 2.0 support

As Microsoft deprecates the basic authentication for IMAP, POP3, and other legacy protocols, the IMAP and POP3 email adapters will support Microsoft Modern Auth (OAuth 2.0).



Defines if the OAuth 2.0 protocol is used for log-in. 

Possible values:

  • true: OAuth 2.0 is used for login

  • false: OAuth 2.0 is not used for login

If the OAuth 2.0 protocol is used:

  • The SSL encryption must be enabled for the connection to the IMAP server by setting the ssl parameter.

  • The access token must be entered as the password parameter.

Keycloak Management Adapter – retrieving data from non-default realm

The Keycloak Management adapter can retrieve data from a non-default realm by choosing the realm for authentication at log-in.

To support this, the following new parameters were added to the adapter:



Realm to be used in Keycloak ReST API calls


Client ID for Keycloak ReST API authentication


Client secret for Keycloak ReST API authentication

LDAP Connector – turn off host name validation for an LDAP connection

In the LDAP Connector the host name validation for an LDAP connection can be turned off with the acceptAllHostnames parameter.



Disables the security settings by accepting any host name contained in the certificate.

Possible values:

§  true: Accepts any host name.

§  false: The security settings are enabled (default).

User Session Adapter – new adapter to store user session information from a process

There is a new adapter (User Session) in the X4 Tools category which allows to store data in the user session and access it later.




Operation performed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • Store Content: Writes the data in the data stream to the user session.

  • Get Content: Outputs the record from the user session specified in the key parameter.

  • List Content: Outputs a list of the data in the user session.

  • Check User Session: Checks if a user session exists and outputs the user session ID.

  • Clear Session Data: Deletes the data in the user session and invalidates the user session.



For Get User Session operation: Used as filter.

For Store User Session operation: Used as the name with which the data in the data stream is stored in the user session.

Possible values:

  • Any string

System Status/Schedule Management Adapters – System Health API to detect e.g. performance issues

To check the system health or detect performance issues, useful runtime information about the X4 Server and the processes is needed. The System Status and Schedule Management adapters were extended to provide the required information.

The System Status adapter outputs status information about the X4 Server. The Schedule Management adapter updates or lists schedulers that are in the X4 repository or in a project.

 System Status Adapter



Operation executed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • Threads Information: Outputs information about all threads running on the X4 Server

  • JVM Parameters: Outputs all parameters of the Java Virtual Machine

  • Processes Running: Outputs information about all processes running on the X4 Server

  • User Sessions Memory: Outputs information about the memory consumption of the user sessions

  • Apps Status: Outputs information about the failed and deployed X4 Apps

The Threads Information operation outputs information about all threads running on the X4 Server. The following elements can be included in the output:



Possible values


Name of the thread

  • Any string


ID of the thread

  • Integer


Status of the thread

  • NEW







Priority of the thread

  • Integer between 1 and 10


Specification whether the thread is a background service

  • true

  • false


Time needed for the execution of the current thread in seconds

  • Integer

Schedule Management Adapter

The Schedule Management adapter has a new operation, Jobs Information.

The Jobs Information operation displays information about scheduled processes from all Schedule files in the X4 repository.

 The following elements can be included in the output:



Possible values


UUID of the execution 

  • UUID


Name of the execution 

  • Any string


Path to the process to be executed

  • Any valid path to the X4 process in the X4 repository


Execution status

  • true

  • false


Number of previous executions

  • Integer


Execution start date

  • Date


Date of last execution

  • Date


Date of the next execution

  • Date


Execution end date

  • Date

System Configuration Adapter – showing configuration parameters

There is a new adapter to show the configuration parameters of the X4 instances. The System Configuration adapter can be found in the X4 Tools category.



Operation executed by the adapter

Possible values:

§  List Configurations: List all configurations of the system

§  Get Configuration by configurationName: Output configuration with the specified name

File System Adapter – improved information for targetPath

Sometimes users confuse the path and targetPath parameters in the File System adapter. Therefore, a comment has been added to the targetPath parameter:


Additional path to a file or folder in the file system of the X4 server or to a connected Windows or Samba network drive. To do this, the X4 server requires appropriate permissions on the destination folder.

This parameter is used only for Move and Copy operations.

Possible values:

Any string, if necessary, including placeholders and file extension, e.g. %USER_COLLECTION%/Data/Input.xml

  • c:/: Access the W Windows system partition C:\.

Any UNC network drive specification according to the scheme \\\\Server\\\share\\public\folder\\\ with any spaces and special characters, e.g. \\\\SP-PM-01\\share\\Public Folder\\ 

Deployments Adapter – ReST API for refreshing contents of X4DB

After modifying resources on the file system, they can be refreshed in the X4 database with a ReST service. The ReST service was renamed from "Deployed Processes" to "Deployments" and is available in the X4 Adapters > X4 Tools > Deployments category.

Deployments: Lists the processes and resources deployed on the server in the X4 repository. The listing also includes processes deployed using X4 Apps.



Operation performed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • List: List all available processes and resources in an XML document. 

  • Get Image: Returns an image. 

  • Get Image Metadata: Returns the meta data of an image. 

  • Reload Repository: Returns a list of all projects and repository types for each element.

  • Reload Project: Returns the project and the type of the repository for each element.




Main class of the adapter (do not change!)

Possible value: (default)


Repository name 


Project name


Path and name of the process

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