Websphere MQ Connector
This adapter sends, receives, and counts messages from an IBM Websphere MQ message queue, supporting MQ version 7.
Note that this adapter works independently from the queue configuration of the MQ Series Transfer Adapter (within x4.ear
this is done in the conf/QueueConfig.xml
Operation | Determines which operation is executed with the message queue. Possible values:
Adapter | Main class of the adapter (do not change!) Possible values: de.softproject.integration.adapter. ibmmq.MQAdapter: Main class (default) |
toXML | If property Operation was set to Receive: Output the result of the process step as an XML document; if the Possible values:
ccdtUrl | URL to a Client Channel Definition Table (CCDT) There are three different ways to define the
The above priority is applied. |
RemoteQueueManager_name | Name of the Queue Manager |
MQEnvironment_ hostname | Host name of the addressed MQ server; applies Java VM-wide (the parameter is only required for local tests on development systems, otherwise it remains empty). Possible values:Any string (e.g. MQSR2402) |
MQEnvironment_ channel | Name of the channel; applies Java VM-wide (only needed for local tests on development systems, otherwise empty). Possible values:Any string (e.g. MQSR2402.CLS25740.DT) |
MQEnvironment_CCSID | CCSID (Charset) of all nachichten for the entire Java VM; therefore, use with caution (should not be used!). Possible values: Any CCSID (e.g. 1208) |
MQEnvironment_userID | User ID for authentication of the WebSphere MQ client |
MQEnvironment_ localAddress Setting | MQ specific parameter |
MQEnvironment_ password | Password for authentication of the WebSphere MQ Client |
MQEnvironment_port | Port of the MQ server; applies Java VM-wide (only needed for local tests on development systems, otherwise empty). Possible values: Any integer (e.g. 1414) |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ TRANSPORT_PROPERTY | Setting for the connection Possible values: MQC.TRANSPORT_MQSERIES: Only allowed value |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ CCSID_PROPERTY | CCSID (Charset) for the connection Possible values: Any integer (e.g. 1208) |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ USER_ID_PROPERTY | User ID for the connection Possible values: Any string |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ CHANNEL_PROPERTY | Name of the channel for the connection Possible values: Any string (e.g. MQSR2402.CLS25740.DT) |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ CONNECT_OPTIONS_PROPERTY | Connection options Possible values: Any string |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ HOST_NAME_PROPERTY | Host name of the addressed MQ server for the connection Possible values: Any string (e.g. MQSR2402) |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ LOCAL__ADDRESS_PROPERTY | Local address for the connection Possible values: Any string |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ ORB_PROPERTY | ORB property for the connection Possible values: Any string |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ PASSWORD_PROPERTY | Password property for establishing the connection to authenticate the WebSphere MQ Client (corresponds to parameter MQEnvironment_password). Possible values: Any string |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ PORT_PROPERTY | Port for the connection Possible values: Any string |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ RECEIVE_EXIT_PROPERTY | Receive Exit property for the connection Possible values: Any string |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ SECURITY_EXIT_PROPERTY | Security Exit property for the connection Possible values: Any string |
MQEnvironment_ properties_MQC_ SEND_EXIT_PROPERTY | Send Exit property for the connection Possible values: Any string |
MQQueueManager_name | Name of the QueueManager (only necessary for local tests on development systems, otherwise empty) |
MQQueue_name | Queue name Possible values: Any valid string |
MQQueue_dynamicQueue Name | Name of the session queue for this message (Should not be used in the future) Possible values: Any valid string |
MQQueue_alternateUserId | Alternative user ID to check access to the queue when it is open; this parameter cannot be set while the object is open |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_OUTPUT | (Must be set for write access) |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_FAIL_IF_ QUIESCING | Allows the MQ Manager to disconnect the listener (e.g. at shutdown). |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQDL_SUPPORTED | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_ALTERNATE_ USER_AUTHORITY | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_BIND_AS_QDEF | Apply queue settings for persistence etc. (should always be set) Possible values:
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_BIND_NOT_ FIXED | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_BIND_ON_OPEN | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF | Accept queue settings for persistence etc. (Must always be set when reading) Possible values:
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_INPUT_SHARED | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_INPUT_ EXCLUSIVE | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_INQUIRE | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_PASS_ALL_ CONTEXT | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_PASS_ IDENTITY_CONTEXT | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_SAVE_ALL_ CONTEXT | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_SET | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_openOptions_ MQC_MQOO_SET_IDENTITY_ CONTEXT | MQ specific parameter |
MQPutMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQPMO_ NEW_MSG_ID | MQ specific parameter |
MQPutMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQPMO_ SYNCPOINT | Use Syncpoint when writing messages (required for the operations Commit and Rollback) Possible values:
MQQueue_closeOptions_ MQC_MQCOO_DELETE | MQ specific parameter |
MQQueue_closeOptions_ MQC_MQCOO_DELETE_PURGE | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_format | Message format Possible values:
MQMessage_application IdData | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_application OriginData | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_backoutCount | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_messageFlags _ MQC_MQMT_REQUEST | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_replyTo QueueName | Name of the ReplyToQueue for this message |
MQMessage_replyToQueue ManagerName | Name of the ReplyToQueueManager for this message Possible values: Any string |
MQMessage_characterSet | Charset (CCSID) for the message; When reading: the expected charset; When writing: the charset that gets the message. Possible values: Any CCSID (e.g. 1208) |
MQMessage_correlationId | CorrelationID with 24 byte length (this is Base64 encoded as well as the returned MessageID). Possible values: Any string with 32 characters containing a Base64-encoded CorrelationID with 24 bytes length |
MQMessage_encoding | Character encoding of the message |
MQMessage_expiry | Time in tenths of a second after which the message becomes invalid and is deleted from the queue. Possible values: Any integer |
MQMessage_feedback | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_groupId | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_message Id | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_message SequenceNumber | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_messageType | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_offset | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_originalLength | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_persistence | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_priority | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_put ApplicationType | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_report | MQ specific parameter |
MQMessage_userId | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ SYNCPOINT | Use syncpoint when receiving messages (required for commit and rollback operations). Possible values:
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_WAIT | Wait during readout if there is no message in the queue |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ NO_WAIT | When reading out, do not wait if there is no message in the queue and cancel immediately Possible values:
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_ MQC_MQGMO_ ACCEPT_TRUNCATED_MSG | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ BROWSE_FIRST | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ BROWSE_MSG_UNDER_CURSOR | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ BROWSE_NEXT | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ CONVERT | Enable automatic conversion to MQ Possible values:
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_FAIL_ IF_QUIESCING | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_LOCK | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ MSG_UNDER_CURSOR | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_NONE | Ignore all other GetOptions Possible values:
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ MARK_SKIP_BACKOUT | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_ MQGMO_NO_SYNCPOINT | Deactivate Syncpoint Possible values:
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ SYNCPOINT_IF_PERSISTENT | Use Syncpoint if the message is marked as persistent Possible values:
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ UNLOCK | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ ALL_MSGS_AVAILABLE | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_MQGMO_ALL_ SEGMENTS_AVAILABLE | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_ MQGMO_COMPLETE_MSG | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ options_MQC_ MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ matchOptions_MQC_ MQGMO_MATCH_CORREL_ID | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ matchOptions_MQC_ MQGMO_MATCH_GROUP_ID | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ matchOptions_MQC_ MQGMO_MATCH_MSG_ID | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ matchOptions_MQC_ MQGMO_MATCH_MSG_ SEQ_NUMBER | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ matchOptions_ MQC_MQGMO_NONE | MQ specific parameter |
MQGetMessageOptions_ waitInterval | Time in milliseconds to wait during readout if there are no messages in the queue (see parameter Possible values: Any positive integer |
MQGetMessageOptions_ resolvedQueueName | MQ specific parameter |
Further information on the MQ Series specific parameters can be obtained from its producer IBM in the English language documentation WebSphere MQ - Using Java. In chapter 9 The WebSphere MQ base Java classes and interfaces.
Status values
1 | The operation was executed successfully. |
0 | The operation was executed successfully, but without any result. |
-1 | The operation failed due to a technical error. |
Operation: Receive
With Operation Receive
messages can be read from the queue into the Technical Process.
For Operation Receive
the adapter does not expect an input document.
For example, for Operation Receive
and if Property Operation
is set to Receive
, the adapter outputs the following XML document:
Operation: Count
For Operation Count
the adapter does not expect an input document.
For Operation Count
, the adapter outputs an XML document that contains the number of messages in the queue in the root <Count>