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Option 1: Performing a Full Update

General Information

For this update you need an existing X4 BPMS version and a new X4 Server version as a ZIP file.

The Update Tool guides you through the entire update process. No Java arguments are required.


When migrating to versions as of version 7.0.0, the data from the 0/schedule.xml file is automatically migrated to .schedule files in the corresponding projects. If you have manually migrated the 0/schedule.xml file before running the Update Tool, duplicate schedule entries may be created in those .schedule files when running the update.

If you specify the x4_jdbc and x4_jdbc_user JDBC parameters during migration, schedule entries from the X4 database are also migrated to .schedule files.

The following steps are carried out during the update:

  1. Backup of the existing X4 Server

  2. Unpacking of the new X4 Server installation

  3. Copying of the X4DB folder into the new installation

  4. Copying of the configurations and deployments folders into the new installation

  5. Optional migration of the X4 database

If you do not want to use the existing X4 database but rather a new X4 database, you must create an empty X4 database before running the Update Tool.

  1. Migration of theX4DB folder

Steps in detail

The Update Tool guides you through the individual steps:

  1. Enter the path to your existing X4 Server installation: "C:\X4_Release_7.3.1\Server"

  2. Backup your X4 server
    Backup: <Ordner>\X4_Release_7.3.1\Server_bak_2024-03-04_14-56-42 successfully created

  3. Unzip your X4 Server installation
    Enter the path to the Zip file of your new X4 Server installation: "<Ordner>\X4_BPMS_7.4.0\ "
    Successfully unzipped to: <Ordner>\X4_Release_7.3.1\Server

  4. Copy your X4DB folder
    Successfully copied

  5. Copy your configurations and deployments folders
    Successfully copied
    Successfully copied

  6. Migrate the X4 Database
    Do you want to update your X4 database? (yes/no):
    (→ You have the option to update the X4 database or not.)
    noThe X4 database is not migrated.
    yesYou will be guided through the steps as in option 4.

  7. Migrate your X4DB folder
    You will be guided through the steps as in option 3.

After a successful update, the Update Tool generates a message:
Completed. BYE BYE!

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