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Task Management

The adapter enables interface-based access to human tasks in Business Processes via Technical Processes. It forms an interface that makes modelled tasks and human interaction available on process level. This enables the connection of customer-specific Web Apps to processes modeled with BPMN or the direct connection of any third-party system to the central process control of the X4 BPMS.

For access via the adapter, the user logged on in X4 Web Apps is used.



Defines the operation executed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • GetAllTasks: Return all tasks for the logged-in user or group

  • GetTask: Return one task for the user logged-in

  • EditTask: Lock the tasks for other users and update task information

  • CloseTask: Complete the task with a professional status and continue the case

  • DeclineTask: Decline the task and return it to the owner

  • ForwardTask: Forward the task to a person or group

  • CancelTask: Cancel task processing and release the task for other users

  • ResubmitTask: Set task on resubmission



Main adapter class (Do not change!)

Possible values: de.softproject.x4.server.bpm.casemanagement.adapter.TaskManagement: Main class (default)


Page size for retrieving the task list

The value is optional. If the parameter is not set, all tasks will be returned.

Possible values:

Any number > 0


Offset for retrieving the task list

The value is optional. If the parameter is not set, all tasks will be returned.

Possible values: 

Any number > 0


Required. State filter for retrieving the task list

Possible values:

  • OPEN: Open tasks

  • IN_PROGRESS: Tasks in progress

  • CLOSED: Closed tasks


Task UUID 

Possible values: 

Valid UUID, e.g. 443c498a-5868-4110-891f-42e5cb8fc24e


User to be used for debugging, if no logon exists in X4 Web Apps

Possible values: 

Valid user login, e.g. admin


Version of the used data format

Possible values:

  • 1.0: Used data format until version 7.0

  • 2.0: Used data format since version 7.0, see sample inputs

Status values


The operation was executed successfully


The operation could not be executed

The documentation of the ReST interface can be found at http://localhost:8080/X4/X4Api/.


No input is required for following operations:

  • GetAllTasks

  • GetTask

  • CancelTask

The following operations require an XML document with the following structure as input:

  • Operation EditTask

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	<Offer> 150 million €</Offer>

  • Operation CloseTask

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <MarketValue>120 million €</MarketValue>

  • Operation DeclineTask

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  • Operation ForwardTask

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	<!-- The "type" attribute must contain either USER or GROUP. -->
    	<Assignment type="USER|GROUP">string</Assignment>


When the CancelTask operation is executed, the output is the input document.

The following operations output an XML document with the following structure:

  • Operation GetAllTasks

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Task created="2020-12-21T09:10:53Z" creator="System" id="81f4abb5-c2f5-418e-acf5-654304234bf4">
            <Assignment type="USER">admin</Assignment>

  • Operations GetTask, EditTask, CloseTask, DeclineTask and ForwardTask

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Task created="2020-12-21T09:10:53Z" creator="System"
        <Assignment type="USER">admin</Assignment>
            <Action displayName="done" name="Accepted"/>
            <Action displayName="Declined" name="Declined"/>
            <Company>Max Mustermann Inc.</Lastname>
            <MarketValue>100 million €</MarketValue>
            <Offer>150 million €</Offer>

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