The following attributes can be defined for the <Tab>
Attribute | Description |
background | Defines the background color.
This setting overwrites the default color of the color scheme!
Possible values: |
displayName | Displayed name for the tab - Translatable
- Data binding possible
Possible values: Any string |
enabled | Activates the layout - Data binding (boolean) possible
Possible values: true /false or data binding expression |
fontFamily | Defines the font family.
- This attribute overrides the default font of the Web App for this layout.
- If the attribute is defined on an element, the font family is inherited by the element's child elements, unless the child elements have the
fontFamily attribute explicitly set.
Possible values: MainFont : Stored main font- Font code from the font palette, e.g.
fontSize | Defines the font size.
- This attribute overrides the default font size of the Web App for this layout.
Possible values: - Any integer or decimal number with a dot as decimal separator, e.g.
20 ; 20.8 ; .9 - Font size in pixels, e.g.
20px - Font size in points, e.g.
18pt - Font size compared to the font size of the parent element, e.g.
.8em or 120 - Key words:
xx-Small , x-small , small , medium , large , x-large , xx-large , smaller , larger
fontStretch | Sets the width of the single characters.
This attribute overrides the default width of the characters of the Web App for this layout.
Possible values: Condensed Expanded ExtraCondensed ExtraExpanded Medium Normal (default)SemiCondensed SemiExpanded UltraCondensed UltraExpanded
fontStyle | Defines the font style.
This attribute overrides the default style of the characters of the Web App for this layout.
Possible values: italic : italic charactersnormal : normal characters (default)oblique : italic characters (calculated)
fontWeight | Defines the font weight.
This attribute overrides the default font weight of the Web App for this layout.
Possible values: Black Bold DemiBold ExtraBlack ExtraBold ExtraLight Heavy Light Medium Normal (default)Regular SemiBold Thin UltraBlack UltraBold UltraLight
foreground | Defines a color for the foreground (texts etc.) of the layout.
- This setting overwrites the default color of the color scheme!
Possible values: |
horizontalAlign | Direction in which the elements flow. The order of the elements corresponds to their declaration. Possible values: left (default)center right
name | Name of the tab
This attribute works in conjunction with the selected attribute for the <TabLayout> element to determine which tab is opened when an action is performed on a tab.
Possible values: any string |
textOverflow | Defines what happens if the layout is full. Possible values: ellipsis : Show with ... that the text is not finishedhidden : Break off text, paying attention to whole wordswordBreak : Break off within the wordallow (default): Break off text between words
visible | Defines if the layout is visible. - Data binding (boolean) possible
Possible values: true / false or data binding expression |