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Structure of a Web App Project


When you create a Web App project, the following project structure is created in the X4 Designer:

  • Project Name of the Web App project

  • Components: Separate definitions for the individual components. The folder may only contain definitions for List Components, Detail Components, MasterDetail Components, Calendar Components, and Grid Components.

  • Resources: All resources of the web application, e.g., images. Can contain subfolders. The contents of this folder can be accessed via the Internet.

  • Services:

    • Adapters: Adapters used in the project. Can contain subfolders.

    • Processes: Technical Processes. Can contain subfolders.

    • Resources: All resources used in technical processes. Can contain text, XML, XHTML, SQL, and binary files. Can contain subfolders.

    • TemporaryFiles: Temporary files. Can contain text and XML files. Can contain subfolders.

    • Transformations: Mappings for processes. Can contain XSLT and REP files. Can contain subfolders.

  • Translations: Contains the individual language files for multilingual interfaces

  • Project.dpr: Information on data protection, either as text or as a link to an external page.

  • Project.imprint: Imprint information, either as text or as a link to an external page.

  • Project.theme: Theme of the application. Can be defined using a theme designer.

  • Projekt.wac: File with the Web App configuration. This file is created automatically when you create a new Web App Project and cannot be deleted.

  • Projekt.wad: File with the definition of the Web App. This file is created automatically when you create a new Web App Project and cannot be deleted.


If you right-click the name of the Web App project, you can create the following files using the New command in the context menu:

  • Project.headersection: Definition of a custom header which is used instead of the standard header

  • Project.login: Definition of the contents for the login dialog of the Web App

  • Projekt.param: Definition of the options for the project parameters  

  • Projekt.profiling: Definition of the options for the monitoring of the profiling data

The Resources, Services, and Translations folders do not contain any files when a project is created. The files containing the data protection information (Project.dpr) and the imprint information (Project.imprint) also have no content after the project creation. Both files can be deleted if they are not needed in the project.


Note that all file resources in the Resources folder are provided via HTTP(S) relative to the path of the Web App.


The frontend of a Web App is structured as follows:



User menu


Selecting the icon displays the logged-in user and the functions for changing the password and logging out. The user menu is displayed only for Web Apps with the Authorization Flow Resource Owner Password Flow.


Automatically generated links to the privacy policy and imprint


Automatically generated menu of the Web App. The content is based on the display names of the Components you create.


Web App logo and display name


If no logo is defined in the configuration, the display name of the web app is displayed here.


Area for the content of the component. The display depends on the type of component, the layout used, and the controls used.

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