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SNMP Management

The adapter manages devices in an IP network via the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) in version 1, 2c or 3 (with automatically selected security level). The adapter requests single or multiple management datasets (MIB objects) from agents, sets values of management datasets and sends trap messages to agents.

This adapter expects an input XML document with a specific structure containing MIB object IDs and SNMP parameters and outputs an XML document.

If the agent detects an error while monitoring the system, it can report this to the SNMP Management Adapter without being asked by means of a trap packet. These packets are not confirmed by the adapter. The agent cannot therefore determine whether the trap has arrived at the adapter.



Determines which operation the adapter executes

Possible values:

  • GET: Request individual management data set (MIB object). The agent responds with a response packet containing either the requested data or an error message.

  • GETNEXT: Request subsequent management record (MIB object) (to traverse tables)

  • GETBULK: Request several management data sets (MIB objects) simultaneously

  • SET: Change one or more management data sets (MIB objects) of a unit or trigger actions. The agent confirms the acceptance of the values with a response packet.

  • SENDTRAP: Send trap message about an event unsolicited to the manager via UDP from port 161.



Main class of the adapter (do not change!)

Possible values: de.softproject.integration.adapter. snmp.SnmpAdapter: Main class (default)


IP address or host name of the network management station (NMS)

Possible values: Any valid string (e.g.


UDP port number (can only be changed for SNMP in version 2c and 3)

Possible values:

  • 161: Default port on which SNMP agents listen for the operations GET, GETNEXT, GETBULK and SET (default).

  • 162: Port on which the network management station listens by default (for the SENDTRAP operation).


SNMP version used

Possible values:

  • version1: Use version 1

  • version2c: Use version 2c

  • version3: Use version 3


Time limit for establishing connection in milliseconds

Possible values:

  • Any integer

  • 3: Time limit of 3 ms (standard)


Number of connection retries if the connection cannot be established directly

Possible values:

  • Any integer

  • 0: No additional connection attempt (default)


Execute all queries in the input XML document with the Walk operation until all instances in the OID subtree have been queried (if the Operation property is set to GETNEXT or IGETBULK)

Possible values:

  • true: Execute GETNEXT and GETBULK requests with the SNMP Walk operation

  • false: Do not execute a Walk operation unless otherwise defined in the input XML document (default).


SNMP entity to execute the request (if version parameter is set to version3)

Possible values: Any string


Name of the community of the SNMP agents (if the parameter version is set to version1 or version2c)

Possible values: Any string (e.g. public)


Security name for authentication of messages via SNMP version 3 (if parameter version is set to version3)

Possible values: any string


Method used to authenticate a message via SNMP version 3 (if parameter version is set to version3)

Possible values:

  • MD5: Create MD5 checksum

  • SHA: Create Secure Hash Code


Password for authentication via SNMP version 3 on security level authNoPriv (if parameter version is set to version3)

Possible values: Any string with at least 8 characters length


Encryption algorithm for messages with SNMP version 3 (if parameter version is set to version3)

Possible values:

  • DES: Use Data Encryption Standardalgorithm

  • AES: Use Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm

  • AES192: Use Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm with 192 bit key length

  • AES256: Use Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm 256 bit key length


Password for encrypting messages with SNMP version 3 at security level authPriv (if parameter version is set to version3)

Possible values: Any string

Status values

1The operation was executed successfully.
-1The operation failed due to a technical error.


This adapter expects an adapter-specific input XML structure, where each <pdu/> element stands for a network device.

    <pdu oid="MIB-Objekt-ID" timeout="Zeitbeschränkung in ms" 
         retries="Anzahl zusätzlicher Verbindungsversuche" />


This adapter outputs a UTF-8 encoded XML document with the following structure.

    <pdu oid="MIB-Objekt-ID">
        <![CDATA[ Ausgegeben Daten des MIB-Objekts ]]>
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