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Simulation Mode of the Update Tool

The Update Tool has a simulation mode that can be run for all options.

The simulation mode can also be executed using the --dry-run command.

How to run the Update Tool in simulation mode

  1. Start the Update Tool as described here: Starting the Update Tool.

  2. The following window opens:

  3. Enter a number for one of the available options and press ENTER to confirm.

  4. The following query appears:


    If you enter yes , the Update Tool starts in simulation mode.
    If you enter no , the Update Tool starts the actual migration.

  5. The next step prompts you to specify the path to the existing X4 installation:

  6. Since the Update Tool is running in simulation mode, no actual backup of the existing installation is created. The creation of the backup is simulated:

  7. Now enter the path to the ZIP folder of the new X4 installation:


    The ZIP folder is unzipped. The default location is the folder where the ZIP folder is located. Here, the system creates a new folder calledTempForSimulationthat includes the unzipped contents.

If a folder of the same name and contents already exists, a query requests a new location. Here, you can enter any path to an empty folder on your hard drive. This folder is then the target directory for unzipping.

  1. After successful unpacking, the following message appears:

  2. image-20240619-112732.png

    It is also possible to update the X4 database in simulation mode.

  3. The final steps of the migration in simulation mode are performed. The Update Tool displays information which actions are executed for each step and which classes are executed.

  4. The final step is to clean up the TempForSimulation folder, which contains the extracted content from the zip file for the new X4 installation. The contents extracted from the ZIP file are deleted.
    If you selected another folder to unzip the content, the extracted content is deleted from that folder.

  5. The logs of the update in simulation mode are written to a log file. This file is saved to the folder where the *.jar file for the Update Tool is located:

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