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Setting Up the X4 Server Database with Liquibase

There is no guided/interactive mode for this command, only the CLI parameters listed below can be used.


When tables are created using Liquibase, only those tables that are actually needed for an X4 BPMS version 7.3 or higher will be created. The traditional method of table creation (legacy mode) creates unnecessary tables.

If you use Liquibase, existing tables from previous versions are not updated. Liquibase can only be used to create a new and empty X4 Server database.

The full CLI command is:

--x4_JDBC <JDBC_connection_string> --x4_JDBC_user "<database_username>" --x4_JDBC_password <database-passwort> --x4_new_JDBC_password <passwort_new_database_user> --x4_oracle_user_tablespace_name <Name_new_Oracle_tablespace> --silent --useLiquibase --disableAutomaticLiquibaseSchemaCorrection --liquibaseSchemaName <Schema_Liquibase_tables>

The following CLI parameters are relevant:




JDBC connection string


Password for the X4 database connection database user


Password of the newly created user that will be used later in the X4 Server to establish the database connection.


If the password is empty, no new user is created.

If the password is specified, a new user is created.


A user name cannot be specified in Oracle. The user must always be named X4SERVER.


Database users for the X4 database connection

If the Update Tool is to create the user, that user must be able to create users. In addition, if a tablespace is to be created, the user must be able to create tablespaces. Otherwise, the user must have permission to create tablespaces in the X4SERVER user.



This parameter is only relevant for Oracle.


Name of the newly created tablespace

If this argument is blank and user creation is enabled, USERS is the default tablespace for the new user.


In silent mode, the user interaction for the JDBC update is skipped. All required parameters must be provided in the CLI command.


Defines the creation of the tables via Liquibase. If this parameter is not specified, the tables are created as before.



This parameter can be used as a workaround in some error situations, but we do not recommend using the parameter.



Name of the schema in which the Liquibase management tables (DATABASECHANGELOG and DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK) are to be created. This schema must exist before the script runs.

If the schema is not specified, the default database schema is used to create the Liquibase tables.



Checks if the X4 server tables have been created after running the command. This parameter only checks whether the tables are present. It does not check whether the columns, indexes, or sequences, etc. are correct.


If this parameter is specified, the specified schema is automatically created if it does not exist.



Schema in which the X4 tables are created.


For the X4 system database, the schema name must currently be X4SERVER.

If the schema does not exist, it is created when createDbSchemaIfNotExists is active.

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