Server Start
New configurations for executions at server startup can be created using the Startup button. A number of options and parameters are available. These are explained in more detail below. |
Name | Freely selectable name for execution |
Process | Path to the process in the Example: Click Browse... to select a process.
Active | Activates the scheduler |
Start date | Sets the start date of the scheduler in Example: |
End date | Sets the end date of the scheduler in Example:
In the Parameters section you can define any number of parameters for the run configuration.
Add row | |
Remove row | |
Key | Name of the parameter (any string, ideally NCName ). |
Value | Optional parameter value |
The scheduler creates an XML file as input for the process, which contains the defined parameters. The input XML file is loaded directly into the process at the start component.
As the parameter values are only directly accessible when the process is started, they must be saved (e.g. as a variable) if they are to be used later in the process.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Execution jobId="JobId" executionId="ExecutionId" executionName="ExecutionName">
<Parameter name="ParameterKey">ParameterValue</Parameter>
<Parameter name="ParameterKey">ParameterValue</Parameter>
<Parameter name="ParameterKey">ParameterValue</Parameter>