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SAP Listener (JCo 3)

The SAP Listener (JCo 3) allows the processing of incoming communication requests via BAPI/RFC and of IDocs of an SAP system. If necessary, it automatically re-establishes broken connections.


The X4 Server allows the bidirectional integration of SAP R/3 systems using the SAP Java Connector in version 3.x (JCo 3). The following components are relevant:

  • SAP JCo 3 Server: Allows the processing of incoming communication requests via BAPI/RFC and of IDocs of an SAP system. If necessary, it automatically re-establishes broken connections. 

  • SAP Connector (JCo 3): In Technical Processes, this function adapter can invoke any Remote Function Call (RFC) or any BAPI function module in an SAP system. Moreover, IDocs can be sent to SAP R/3.

  • SAP Explorer (JCo 3): This adapter generates structure descriptions of IDocs and BAPIs, lists BAPIs or IDocs, or generates empty IDoc and BAPI structures. Depending on the operation, it outputs a corresponding XML document.

Multi-SAP connectivity

Using the JCo 3 Server, multiple SAP systems can be connected via a respective separate JCo 3 Server instance. To use the JCo 3 Server a corresponding configuration is required:

Identification of JCo 3 servers via ProgID

Each JCo 3 Server instance or any system connected to SAP communicates via a unique ProgID, which is configured within the server properties file, by default jco_server_settings.prop and is introduced to the SAP system at the start of the server instance.

Several ProgIDs can be used simultaneously for each SAP system. Using the ProgID, IDocs and RFC/BAPIs are "addressed" to the respective target system.

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