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ReSTful Web Services: Input XML structure

When a web service is called, a document is transmitted to the corresponding Technical Process. If you have defined HTTP Content as the input mode in the web service configuration, this is only the content of the HTTP entity. Media Type and Charset from the Content-Type header are transmitted to the input document.

If HTTP-MetaXml has been defined as the input mode, an XML document with HTTP header information, among other things, is passed to the Technical Process during the web service call, which is structured according to the following pattern:

    <Method>ReST-Methode (z. B. GET)</Method>
    <FullPath>Komplette URL inkl. konstantem und variablem URL-Part</FullPath>
    <Server>URL des Servers</Server>
    <RequestPath>Pfad, der im Aufruf verwendet wurde</RequestPath>
    <ContextPrefix>Basis-URL von X4 ReST (immer gleich)</ContextPrefix>
    <PathInfo>Konstanter und variabler URL-Part</PathInfo>
      <Constant name="Konstanter URL-Part" />
      <Variable name="Name des variablen URL-Parts">tatsächl. URL-Part</Variable>
   <!-- Oder bei Datumswerten: -->
      <Date timezone="Zeitzone">Header-Datumswert</Date>
    <QueryString>Über die URL übergebene Parameter</QueryString>
    <Parameter name="Parameter-Name">Parameter-Wert</Parameter>
  <Security realm="Sicherheitsbereich">
     <Principal class="Prinzipalklasse" name="Prinzipal-Name" />
  <Body encoding="Datenkodierung">Übermittelte Daten</Body>

The <Request> root element contains the following elements:

  • <Path>: Contains the calling URL and the individual broken down URL parts.

  • <Headers>: Contains each HTTP headers with name and value in an <Header> element.

  • <Query>: Contains the elements <QueryString> and, if necessary, for each parameter an element <Parameter>.

  • <Security>: Contains the assigned JAAS subjects (simple principals or principal groups) if it is not a guest access.

  • <Body>: Contains the encoding type base64 in attribute encoding and the correspondingly encoded user data as element content.

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