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ReSTful Web Services: Expected Output XML

If the output handler HTTP-MetaXml has been defined for the respective URI operation within the web service configuration file, the webservice interface expects an XML document with the following structure as result from the process:

   <Status code="HTTP-Status-Code"/>
         <Name>HTTP Header name</Name>
         <Value>Header value</Value>
      <!-- Or for date values: -->
         <Name>HTTP Header name</Name>
         <Date timezone="Timezone">Header date value</Date>
   <Content encoding="Data encoding">Submitted data</Content>

The root element <Response> contains the following elements:

  • <Status>: Contains in its attribute code a three-digit number with the HTTP status code (e. g. 202).

  • <Headers>: Contains any number of <Header> elements with HTTP header information. Each <Header> element contains an HTTP header,  which is defined via the child elements <Name> and <Value> or <Date> (for date values in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss according to SimpleDateFormat). For the element <Date>, an optional attribute timezone can specify a timezone.

  • <Content> (optional): Contains within the attribute encoding the encoding type (base64 or base16 respectively hex) and as element content the correspondingly encoded data and/or the stream elements. 

    <Content encoding="base64">
    	... Base64...
    	<Stream url="" transcoding="base64-us-ascii"/>
    	... mehr Base64...
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