Release Notes 7.2.2
XVIER-15834 - Thread leak in Process Starter
X4 BPMS Version 7.2.0 and Version 7.2.1might cause storage / thread leaks during the operation. We recommend an update to Version 7.2.2 for the production environment.
In addition, some third party libraries were updated with Release 7.2.2 and the following bugs were fixed.
Updating Third-Party Libraries
The following third-party libraries have been updated to the latest version:
Apache POI
OData Client
Apache Maven
The following adapters were updated to support the latest third party libraries:
GDVVU adapter (hsqldb and commons-text)
Google Cloud adapter (latest library versions)
IoT adapters (latest library versions)
X4 Adapter
Key | Summary |
SAML Calculator - broken operations: Sign Request & Sign Assertion | |
[X4-Adapter] Keycloak Management - list users default limit |
X4 Server
Key | Summary |
NullPointer at process start via Startup | |
schedule.xml migration with start and end date is broken | |
Native adapters cannot be deployed and used in X4 designer | |
Wildfly service folder is not available in zip artifacts | |
Migration tool: Keycloak service cannot be installed correctly | |
Webapp Login in 7.2.x with Keycloak 16.0.1 does no longer work | |
SQL-Profiling does not work on mssql with other than default schema | |
Error in a native adapter usage when the process is scheduled at startup process | |
Webapp templates shows login page unexpectedly, as they are public by default |
X4 Web Apps
Key | Summary |
Error when entering values in decimal/integer fields | |
[WebApp] Switching between modules does not work | |
After page reload a web app with more than one module breaks in public access | |
Properties in MasterDetail not accesible in 7.2 | |
Error when navigation between Components with TextBlock/Link - Element | |
ComponentName in Link doesn't work in a TextBlock |