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Process Monitoring Management

This adapter allows you to change the configuration for logging X4 processes.

A monitoring defines for which processes within a project information is logged. Thus, for example, certain processes can be excluded from logging.

Only one .profiling file can be created in a project.

The information about executed and logged processes can be read out with the Process Monitoring adapter.



Operation executed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • List Profilings: List all profilings
  • Get Profiling by Id: Return profiling with the specified UUID.
  • Update Profiling: Update profiling with the specified UUID.



Main adapter class (do not change!)

Possible values

de.softproject.x4.core.profiling.runtime.ProfilingsAdapterMain class (Default)

Status values


The operation was executed successfully.


The operation failed due to a technical error.

The documentation of the ReST interface can be found at http://localhost:8080/X4/X4Api/.

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