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Former name until version 5.5.4: POP/SMTP Connector


I/O Mode (input_type)

Data handling mode

Possible values:

  • Actions: Process data from the preceding process step

  • Directory: Process all files of a specified directory as attachment (or files matching a filter within the parameter filter)

File name (documentname)

Name of the file attachment to be sent (if I/O Mode is set to Actions).

Please note: If you want to parameterize this property dynamically, use its technical name in the corresponding XSL mapping. The technical name may differ from the displayed name.


<xsl:processing-instruction name="DynamicParameter">
	<xsl:value-of select="."/>

Possible values:

  • Any file name (e.g. Data.xml)

  • Multiple file names separated by semicolon (if you hand over multiple input documents to the transfer adapter using Fork/Join, they will be processed consecutively according to the branch priorities, e.g. File1.xml;File2.xml)

Delete (delete)

Delete email message after the successful reception from the POP3 server (if property Operation is set to Receive)

Operation (action)

Defines which operation will be executed for the specified file(s). Depending on the value in I/O Mode, the function differs.

Possible values:

  • Send: Send email using an SMTP server

  • Receive: Receive email from a POP3 server



Email address of the email sender; If required, with specification of a display name

Possible values: Any valid email address (e.g. name@domain.tld (SampleName))


Technical sender agent (if different from parameter from) which actually sends the message; If required, with specification of a display name

Possible values: Any valid email address (e.g. name@domain.tld (SampleName))


Email address(es), to which the email shall be sent; If required, with specification of a display name

Possible values: Any valid email address; in case of multiple addresses separated by semicolon (e.g. name@domain.tld;email@host.tld (SampleName))


Email address(es) to which the email will be sent as carbon copy; If required, with specification of a display name

Possible values: Any valid email address; in case of multiple addresses separated by semicolon (e.g. name@domain.tld (SampleName);email@host.tld)


Email address(es) to which the email will be sent as blind carbon copy; If required, with specification of a display name

Possible values: Any valid email address; in case of multiple addresses separated by semicolon (e.g. name@domain.tld;email@host.tld (SampleName))


Email address to which the reply shall be sent

Possible values: Any valid email address (e.g. name@domain.tld)


Subject of the email to be sent


Message body that represents the email's content (if the input document of the adapter is an HTML document, it will be used as HTML message body)

Possible values: Any string


MIME type of the email body (allows to display HTML emails or multiple attachments)

Possible values: Valid MIME type (e.g. multipart/mixed)


Encoding of the email body

Possible values: Valid encoding/charset (e.g. ISO-8859-15)


IP address or host name of the SMTP server to send emails

Possible values: Any valid string (e.g. smtp.domain.tld)


Port of the SMTP server to send emails

Possible values: Any positive integer number, e.g. 250


SMTP security protocol to be used

Possible values: 

  • NONE: Do not use any security protocol
  • TLS: Use TLS as security protocol
  • SSL: Use SSL as security protocol

Allow all hosts for SMTP

Please note that hosts without a valid certificate will also be allowed.

(info) This parameter is only valid, if SSL is used as security protocol.


IP address or host name of the POP3 server to receive emails

Possible values: Any valid string (e.g. pop3.domain.tld)


Port of the POP3 server to receive emails

Possible values: Any positive integer number


POP3 security protocol to be used

Possible values: 

  • NONE: Do not use any security protocol
  • TLS: Use TLS as security protocol
  • SSL: Use SSL as security protocol

Allow all hosts for POP3

Please note that hosts without a valid certificate will also be allowed.

(info) This parameter is only valid, if SSL is used as security protocol.


User name for the POP3 server (when receiving email) or for the SMTP server (when sending an email)

Possible values: Any valid string (e.g. name@domain.tld)


Password for the POP3 server (when receiving email) or for the SMTP server (when sending an email)


Defines if the OAuth 2.0 protocol is used for log-in. 

Possible values:

  • true: oAuth2 is used for log-in
  • falseoAuth2 is not used for log-in

If the OAuth 2.0 protocol is used,

  • the SSL encryption must be enabled for the connection to the POP server by setting the ssl parameter.
  • the access token must be entered as the password parameter. 

Activates the POP3 protocol for Microsoft 365.

Needs to be activated in addition to oAuth2 to use POP3 protocol with Microsoft 365.

Possible values:

  • true: oAuth2_twoLineAuth is used in addition to oAuth2
  • false: oAuth2_twoLineAuth is not used in addition to oAuth2

Limit the number of attachments to be sent (if I/O Mode is set to Directory and thus multiple files of a directory should be attached)

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer number

  • 0: Do not attach files (Default)


Local directory on the X4 Server e.g. in the X4 Repository that contains files to be sent as email attachments (if I/O Mode is set to Directory)

Possible values: Any string (e.g. %USER_COLLECTION%\Folder)


Filter files to be send as attachments by their name using the placeholders * and ?

Possible values:

  • Any string, e.g. *.dat applies only for files with the extension .dat

  • *: Use all files (do not filter) (Default)


Send a message in EML format (this requires an EML message as adapter input) or receive a message in EML format

Possible values:

  • true: Send in EML format

  • false: Use standard email format (Default)


Encode attachments (multipart content) always as base64 (if the property Operation is set to Receive)

Possible values:

  • true: Encode all multipart contents as Base64

  • false: Do not encode as base64 (Default)


Encrypt the message with S/MIME (Multipart/Encrypted)

Possible values:

  • true: Enable S/MIME encryption (requires to specify a key/certificate file within the parameter Pkcs12 and a passphrase in parameter passphrase)

  • false: No encryption (Default)


Sign the message with S/MIME (Multipart/Signed)

Possible values:

  • true: Add S/MIME signature (requires to specify a key/certificate file within the parameter Pkcs12 and a passphrase in parameter passphrase)

  • false: No signature (Default)


Path to a valid key/certificate in the PKCS#12 format 

Possible values: Any valid path in the local file system of the X4 Server (e.g. %USER_COLLECTION\Project\Folder\Key.p12 )


Password/passphrase to the key/certificate file in PKCS#12 format that has been specified within the parameter Pkcs12

Possible values: Any valid string


Date format for a properties file which can be used to define further JavaMail properties

Possible values:


Deprecated Parameter

As of version 6.2.0 of the X4 BPMS, the security protocol to be used can be set via the parameters smtpSecurityProtocol and pop3SecurityProtocol.

If using the now deprecated parameter propertiesURL, a warning will be displayed in the server log.

URL to a properties file which can be used to define further JavaMail properties, see The linked file must be available in the format defined within parameter propertiesType.

(info) If the propertiesURL is set, the parameters defined within the properties file are used. Otherwise the adapter parameters will be used.

Possible values: Any valid URL, e.g. xstore://Project/Folder/

Which email addresses are formally valid can be found in the guidelines RFC 5321 and RFC 5322.
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