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Persisting Global Parameters in the Database

For additional information on plugins, refer to:

(7.4.0-en) X4 Plugins

How to configure the SQL Parameter Storage plugin

  1. In the <server_directory>/configurations folder, create the following file: sql_globalparameter_storage_config.xml.
  2. Insert the following content.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
  3. Enter the required values in the sql_globalparameter_storage_config.xml file.

Database Configuration

ElementDescriptionPossible values

JDBC connection string for the connection to the database

For more information, see the official JDBC database documentation.
  • Connection URL for the JDBC database
UserNameUser name for the login to the database
  • Any string
PasswordPassword for the login to the database
  • Any string

Determines whether:

  • a new database should be created (recommended)


  • the connection to an existing database should be established
  • false: A new database is created.
  • true: A connection to an existing database is established.

How to install the plugin


If you enable the SQL Parameter Storage plugin, the default properties folder with subfolders in memory will no longer be used:

<server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\plugins \globalparameter\properties

Before installing the plugin, delete the properties with contents.

  1. Unzip the downloaded .zip file with the plugin.
  2. Copy the <file_directory>\de folder to the <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\plugins folder.
  3. Open the module.xml file in the <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\plugins\main folder.
  4. Delete the following line from the module.xml file:

    <module name="" export="true"/>

  5. Copy the plugin name into the <dependencies> tag:

    <module name="de.softproject.x4.plugins.globalparameter.sql" export="true"/>

    The content of the file should be structured in this way:

  6. Restart the X4 Server.
    The plugin is available after the server restart.

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