PDF to TIFF Converter
This adapter converts a PDF document into a TIFF graphic (Tagged Image File Format) and outputs the graphic as a binary data stream. Multi-page PDF documents are converted into a multi-page TIFF graphic (Multipage TIFF).
Operation | Determines which operation the adapter executes Possible values: |
Adapter | Main class of the adapter (do not change!) Possible values: |
compression | Compression type Possible values:
deflateLvl | Deflate level (if Deflate compression type is selected and Deflate compression is to be applied to the entire TIFF file). Possible values:
quality | For JPEG compression: Quality level of the (lossy) JPEG compression. Possible values:
resX | Horizontal screen/print resolution value Possible values:
resY | Vertical screen/print resolution value Possible values:
resUnit | Unit for screen/print resolution Possible values:
Status values
1 | The operation was executed successfully. |
-1 | The operation failed due to a technical error. |
An (optional) CPU type/operating system-dependent JAI MediaLib library is not supplied. The adapter therefore shows the following error message in the server log, but this is not relevant for adapter execution:
ERROR [STDERR] Could not find mediaLib accelerator wrapper classes.
Continuing in pure Java mode."
To switch off the JAI MediaLib library, set the following Java VM option (e.g. in the start script):
@set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dcom.sun.media.jai.disableMediaLib=true