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Operation: LineSimplificationPercent / LineSimplificationKilometer

With the LineSimplificationPercent and LineSimplificationKilometer operations, you can simplify polylines/polygons according to the Douglas Peucker algorithm in order to remove waypoints within a corridor that are not necessary for a map view. The corridor width can be defined relative to the total route or as absolute value in kilometers.


For the LineSimplificationPercent and LineSimplificationKilometer operations, the adapter expects the same input XML structure as for the LineConversion operation. In this operation, you can define any polylines, each within a Polyline element, or any polygones, each within a Polygon element. Additional attributes are adopted in the resulting XML document.


The output of the LineSimplificationPercent and LineSimplificationKilometer operations is an XML document that has the same structure as the input XML document and contains all attributes that have been defined within the Polygon or Polyline elements without modification. Depending on the corridor width (defined within the percent or kilometer parameters), the polylines/polygons will be simplified. Depending on the selected output format, the point definitions will be converted into the GeoDecimalGeoE5, or GooglePoint formats. Or, polylines will be converted into the GoogleLine format and deposited in the corresponding elements.

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