Operation: CreateMailFolder
The CreateMailFolder
operation creates a new email folder.
The adapter expects the following XML structure as input:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DisplayName>My folder name</DisplayName>
<!-- ##The <Hidden/> tag is optional## -->
The following elements can be included in the input:
Element | Description |
MailFolder | Enclosing element for the CreateMailFolder operation |
DisplayName | Name of the email folder to be created. Possible value:
Hidden | (optional) Specifies whether the email folder is visible or not. Possible values:
The adapter creates an email folder based on the data given in the input.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Value name="@odata.context" type="String">https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('test.user%40softproject.de')/mailFolders/$entity</Value>
<Value name="id" type="String">AAMkAGI0NDU3YTMxLTVkOTktNGQ2Zi04OGViLTgzNWM1YWFlNjAwNwAuAAAAAABqZX6HQaolT792ILCaL-z8AQCRrcaFxKxcR7F2mRmZk4TVAAC6q4pRAAA=</Value>
<Value name="displayName" type="String">TEST FOLDER</Value>
<Value name="parentFolderId" type="String">AAMkAGI0NDU3YTMxLTVkOTktNGQ2Zi04OGViLTgzNWM1YWFlNjAwNwAuAAAAAABqZX6HQaolT792ILCaL-z8AQCRrcaFxKxcR7F2mRmZk4TVAAAAAAEIAAA=</Value>
<Value name="childFolderCount" type="Number">0</Value>
<Value name="unreadItemCount" type="Number">0</Value>
<Value name="totalItemCount" type="Number">0</Value>
<Value name="sizeInBytes" type="Number">0</Value>
<Value name="isHidden" type="Boolean">false</Value>
Included in the output is metadata provided by MS Graph. More information about this metadata can be found in the official MS Graph documentation:
The following elements and attributes can be included in the output:
Element | Description |
CreateMailFolder | Enclosing element for the output of the CreateMailFolder operation |
Object | Enclosing element for the
Value | The Possible values: