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Operation: BoundingBox

With the BoundingBox operation, a bounding box (the smallest possible rectangle according to the mercator cylinder projection in the plain) for polygons or polylines can be calculated, and the corner's longitude/latitude can be output.


For the BoundingBox operation, the adapter expects the same input XML structure as for the LineConversion operation where polygones, polylines, as well as additional (optional) attributes are specified.


With the BoundingBox operation, an XML document is issued in which the corners of a rectangular bounding box will be output for each Polygon or Polyline element that has been defined within the input XML. In addition, all attributes that were defined in the input XML within the Polygon or Polyline elements will be output without modification. 

The required corners (latitude/longitude) to spread out a bounding box will be output as follows:

   <!-- For each polygon/polyline element -->
   <BoundingBox attribute="value"> <!-- Any attributes -->
      <MinLatitude><!--Geodecimally-encoded latitude of corner 1--></MinLatitude>
      <MaxLatitude><!--Geodecimally-encoded latitude of corner 2--></MaxLatitude>
      <MinLongitude><!--Geodecimally-encoded longitude of corner 1--></MinLongitude>
      <MaxLongitude><!--Geodecimally-encoded longitude of corner 2--></MaxLongitude>
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