OData Connector
This adapter enables communication with systems that provide ReST services according to the OData standard, e.g. SAP S4/Hana, Microsoft Sharepoint, Microsoft Dynamics Navision and others.
Operation | Defines the operation executed by the adapter Possible values:
Adapter | Main adapter class (do not change!) Possible values: de.softproject.x4.adapter.odataquery.ODataQueryAdapter: Main class (default) |
serviceUrl | OData service URL, e.g. |
entitySet | Entity collection to interact with. |
entityId | Entity ID to interact with. |
navigationProperty | Retrieve related collection to the entity |
association | Retrieve related association to the entity |
singletonId | Singleton ID |
contentTypeMetadata | ContenType of the service metadata Possible values:
Status values
1 | The operation was executed successfully and an output is generated |
-1 | An error occurred during the operation's execution an no output is generated. |
Depending on the selected operation, the adapter expects the following input structure:
- The operations
do not require any input document. However the parametersentitySet
are required. - The operation
does not require any input document. However the parametersentitySet
are required. - Operation
The following system query options can be used with the operationReadEntitySet
: Ignores any$top
, or$expand
query options, and returns the total count of results across all pages including only those results matching any specified$filter
: If$top
are used together,$skip
must be applied before$top
, regardless of the order in which they appear in the request.$top
: Allows the user of an OData service to specify the maximum number of entries that should be returned, starting from the beginning.$orderby
: When requesting a list of entities from a service, it is up to the service implementation to decide in which order they are presented.$filter
: When requesting a list of entities from a service, the default behaviour is to return all entities on the list. The consumer of an OData service might want to be able to receive a subset by specifying certain criteria which each of the returned entities have to fulfill.$select
: When requesting an entity collection from the backend, the OData service returns a list of entities and each entity contains a list of properties.- Specify one property name only:
- Specify a comma-separated list of properties:
- Specify a star to include all properties:
- Specify one property name only:
: Indicates the related entities and stream values that must be specified inline.$search
: Restricts the result to include only those items matching the specified search expression.$format
: Specifies the media type of the response.
<QueryOptions entitySet="Products">
<Parameter name="format" value="application/xml"></Parameter>
<Parameter name="search" value="Ergo"></Parameter>
<Parameter name="top" value="10"></Parameter>
<Parameter name="skip" value="5"></Parameter>
<Parameter name="count"></Parameter>
<Parameter name="filter" value="ID le 10"></Parameter>
<Parameter name="count" value="true"></Parameter>
<Parameter name="expand">
<Parameter name="select">
:CreateEntity, UpdateEntity and DeleteEntity Request
XML<Request> <Entity qualifiedName="Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin.Person" entitySet="People"> <Property name="UserName" value="carlosreyestest" type="String" isId="true"/> <Property name="FirstName" value="Carlos" type="String"/> <Property name="LastName" value="Carlos" type="String"/> <Collection name="AddressInfo"> <Property type="Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin.Location"> <Property name="Address" value="Calle Falsa 123" type="String"/> <Property name="City" type="Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin.City"> <Property name="CountryRegion" value="Espana" type="String"/> <Property name="Name" value="Madrid" type="String"/> <Property name="Region" value="Madrid" type="String"/> </Property> </Property> </Collection> </Entity> </Request>
:CreateSingleton, UpdateSingleton and DeleteSingleton Request
XML<Request> <Singleton qualifiedName="Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin.Person" entitySet="People"> <Property name="UserName" value="carlosreyestest" type="String" isId="true"/> <Property name="FirstName" value="Carlos" type="String"/> <Property name="LastName" value="Carlos" type="String"/> <Collection name="AddressInfo"> <Property type="Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin.Location"> <Property name="Address" value="Calle Falsa 123" type="String"/> <Property name="City" type="Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin.City"> <Property name="CountryRegion" value="Espana" type="String"/> <Property name="Name" value="Madrid" type="String"/> <Property name="Region" value="Madrid" type="String"/> </Property> </Property> </Collection> </Singleton> </Request>
- For the operations
the parametersentitySet
are required as well as the media input within the adapter. Operation
:ExecuteFunction Request
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Request> <Function name="CountCategories"> <Parameter name="Amount" value="2"></Parameter> </Function> </Request>
Supported types
Adapter Input Type | Type | Meaning |
Binary | Edm.Binary | Binary data |
Boolean | Edm.Boolean | Binary-valued logic |
Byte | Edm.Byte | Unsigned 8-bit integer |
Date | Edm.Date | Date without a time-zone offset |
DateTimeOffset | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Date and time with a time-zone offset, no leap seconds |
Decimal | Edm.Decimal | Numeric values with decimal representation |
Double | Edm.Double | IEEE 754 binary64 floating-point number (15-17 decimal digits) |
Duration | Edm.Duration | Signed duration in days, hours, minutes, and (sub)seconds |
Guid | Edm.Guid | 16-byte (128-bit) unique identifier |
Int16 | Edm.Int16 | Signed 16-bit integer |
Int32 | Edm.Int32 | Signed 32-bit integer |
Int64 | Edm.Int64 | Signed 64-bit integer |
SByte | Edm.SByte | Signed 8-bit integer |
Single | Edm.Single | IEEE 754 binary32 floating-point number (6-9 decimal digits) |
String | Edm.String | Sequence of UTF-8 characters |
Depending on the selected operation, the adapter outputs the following structures:
:ReadMetadata Response
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <edmx:Edmx Version="4.0" xmlns:edmx="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edmx"> <edmx:DataServices> <Schema xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/ns/edm" Namespace="OData.Demo"> <EntityType Name="Product"> <Key> <PropertyRef Name="ID" /> </Key> <Property Name="ID" Type="Edm.Int32"></Property> <Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String"></Property> <Property Name="Description" Type="Edm.String"></Property> <NavigationProperty Name="Category" Type="OData.Demo.Category" Partner="Products"></NavigationProperty> </EntityType> <EntityType Name="Category"> <Key> <PropertyRef Name="ID" /> </Key> <Property Name="ID" Type="Edm.Int32"></Property> <Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String"></Property> <NavigationProperty Name="Products" Type="Collection(OData.Demo.Product)" Partner="Category"></NavigationProperty> </EntityType> <EntityType Name="Advertisement" HasStream="true"> <Key> <PropertyRef Name="ID" /> </Key> <Property Name="ID" Type="Edm.Guid"></Property> <Property Name="Name" Type="Edm.String"></Property> <Property Name="AirDate" Type="Edm.DateTimeOffset"></Property> </EntityType> <Action Name="Reset" IsBound="false"> <Parameter Name="Amount" Type="Edm.Int32"></Parameter> </Action> <Function Name="CountCategories"> <Parameter Name="Amount" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false"></Parameter> <ReturnType Type="Collection(OData.Demo.Category)" /> </Function> <EntityContainer Name="Container"> <EntitySet Name="Products" EntityType="OData.Demo.Product"> <NavigationPropertyBinding Path="Category" Target="Categories" /> </EntitySet> <EntitySet Name="Categories" EntityType="OData.Demo.Category"> <NavigationPropertyBinding Path="Products" Target="Products" /> </EntitySet> <EntitySet Name="Advertisements" EntityType="OData.Demo.Advertisement"></EntitySet> <ActionImport Name="Reset" Action="OData.Demo.Reset"></ActionImport> <FunctionImport Name="CountCategories" Function="OData.Demo.CountCategories" EntitySet="OData.Demo.Categories" IncludeInServiceDocument="true"></FunctionImport> </EntityContainer> </Schema> </edmx:DataServices> </edmx:Edmx>
:ReadSingleEntity Response
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Object> <Value type="String" name="@odata.context">$metadata#Products/$entity</Value> <Value type="Number" name="ID">1</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">Notebook Professional 17</Value> <Value type="String" name="Description">Notebook Professional, 2.8GHz - 15 XGA - 8GB DDR3 RAM - 500GB</Value> </Object>
:ReadEntitySet Response
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Object> <Value type="String" name="@odata.context">$metadata#Products</Value> <Array name="value"> <Object> <Value type="Number" name="ID">0</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">Notebook Basic 15</Value> <Value type="String" name="Description">Notebook Basic, 1.7GHz - 15 XGA - 1024MB DDR2 SDRAM - 40GB</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="Number" name="ID">1</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">Notebook Professional 17</Value> <Value type="String" name="Description">Notebook Professional, 2.8GHz - 15 XGA - 8GB DDR3 RAM - 500GB</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="Number" name="ID">2</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">1UMTS PDA</Value> <Value type="String" name="Description">Ultrafast 3G UMTS/HSDPA Pocket PC, supports GSM network</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="Number" name="ID">3</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">Comfort Easy</Value> <Value type="String" name="Description">32 GB Digital Assitant with high-resolution color screen</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="Number" name="ID">4</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">Ergo Screen</Value> <Value type="String" name="Description">19 Optimum Resolution 1024 x 768 @ 85Hz, resolution 1280 x 960</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="Number" name="ID">5</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">Flat Basic</Value> <Value type="String" name="Description">Optimum Hi-Resolution max. 1600 x 1200 @ 85Hz, Dot Pitch: 0.24mm</Value> </Object> </Array> </Object>
:ReadCollections Response
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Object> <Value type="String" name="@odata.context">$metadata</Value> <Array name="value"> <Object> <Value type="String" name="name">Products</Value> <Value type="String" name="url">Products</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="String" name="name">Categories</Value> <Value type="String" name="url">Categories</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="String" name="name">Advertisements</Value> <Value type="String" name="url">Advertisements</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="String" name="name">CountCategories</Value> <Value type="String" name="url">CountCategories</Value> <Value type="String" name="kind">FunctionImport</Value> </Object> </Array> </Object>
:CreateEntity, UpdateEntity and DeleteEntity Response
XML<Response> <OKEntities entitySet="Products" qualifiedName="OData.Demo.Product"> <Property isId="true" type="int32" value="1" name="ID"/> <Property type="String" value="Car" name="Name"/> <Property type="String" value="Good car" name="Description"/> </OKEntities> <FailEntities entitySet="Products" qualifiedName="OData.Demo.Product"> <Property isId="true" type="int32" value="2" name="ID"/> <Property type="String" value="Cookie" name="Name"/> <Property type="String" value="Great cookie" name="Description"/> </FailEntities> </Response>
:CreateSingleton, UpdateSingleton and DeleteSingleton Response
XML<Response> <OKEntities entitySet="Products" qualifiedName="OData.Demo.Product"> <Property isId="true" type="int32" value="1" name="ID"/> <Property type="String" value="Car" name="Name"/> <Property type="String" value="Good car" name="Description"/> </OKEntities> <FailEntities entitySet="Products" qualifiedName="OData.Demo.Product"> <Property isId="true" type="int32" value="2" name="ID"/> <Property type="String" value="Cookie" name="Name"/> <Property type="String" value="Great cookie" name="Description"/> </FailEntities> </Response>
:ExecuteFunction Response
XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Object> <Value type="String" name="@odata.context">$metadata#Collection(OData.Demo.Category) </Value> <Array name="value"> <Object> <Value type="Number" name="ID">0</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">Notebooks</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="Number" name="ID">1</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">Organizers</Value> </Object> <Object> <Value type="Number" name="ID">2</Value> <Value type="String" name="Name">Monitors</Value> </Object> </Array> </Object>