Microsoft Excel Reader
The adapter reads a Microsoft Excel document (in Excel 97-2003 .xls
format or in the XML-based OOXML format .xlsx
) and outputs its content as an XML document.
Operation | Determines which operation the adapter executes. Possible values:
Adapter | Main class of the adapter (do not change!) Possible values:
Formatter | Formatter used (has an influence on the XML output, see below) Possible values:
MinimumInflateRatio | Optional. Specifies the minimum inflate ratio which is allowed when reading a file. In Apache POI, a security check was introduced to intercept attacks by so-called ZIP bombs. In these attacks, a file multiplies its size when it is unpacked to memory. This can be problematic if the Java Virtual Machine's memory cannot handle the size of the decompressed file, which may lead to a server failure. Possible values:
Please note:
Status values
1 | The operation was executed successfully. |
-1 | The operation failed due to a technical error. |
The following XML structure is output with the standard formatter de.softproject.integration.adapter.excel.DefaultFormatter
<Sheet name="Name des Tabellenblatts">
<Row rowId="Zeilennummer">
<Cell colId="Spalten-ID" type="Datentyp" format="Formatierung"
The following XML structure is output with the formatter de.softproject.integration.adapter.excelWriter.NumberedCellFormatter
<Sheet name="Name des Tabellenblatts">
<Row rowId="Zeilennummer">
<Cell_0 colId="Zellen-ID" type="Datentyp" format="Formatierung"
The following XML structure is output with the formatter de.softproject.integration.adapter.excel.LabeledCellFormatter
<Sheet name="Name des Tabellenblatts">
<Row rowId="Zeilennummer">
<Cell_A colId="Zellen-ID" type="Datentyp" format="Formatierung"