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Logging Technical Processes

In Technical Processes, you can log technical and business information and output log messages to the monitoring component or via Log4j to the server log, for example.

Function Adapter

Various adapters are available for logging Technical Processes.

  • Process Monitoring: Lists all process steps and execution times of a Technical Process and outputs detailed information about a specific Technical Process.
  • Process Monitoring Management: Updates or lists profilings that are in the X4 repository or in a project.
  • Process Runtime Management: Stops, terminates and lists running Technical Processes.
  • Log4J Logging: Returns data from the Technical Processes via Log4J to the server log. All data that can be converted into a string can serve as input data. In AdvancedMode, data can be output directly at various log levels in an XML document with an adapter-specific structure.

Logging action on Transitions

  • In X4 Designer, you can set up logging by defining a logging action for transition lines. In the Properties view, you can set the Log4j Log property for selected transition lines to configure logging behavior.

.log file

  • The .log file is read in at server startup.
  • The file name of the .log file must not be changed.
  • The X4 Server can write data to be logged to a .log file in the server directory. To activate the .log file, the standalone.xml of the X4 Server has to be adapted.

By default, the data to be logged is written to memory. The data contains the processes with process run times and process step run times. Additionally, you can configure the X4 BPMS to write the data to a .log file or to Elasticsearch.

The logged data can be read out with the Process Monitoring adapter and then used. However, only one source is allowed to read the data.

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