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Load Balancing via Scheduler

If, in addition to load balancing, processes are to be started automatically via a scheduler, it must be ensured that execution is not triggered multiple times.

Scenario I – Dedicated X4 Server for scheduling

Figure: Dedicated Scheduler X4 Server

If scheduling should take place independently of the current load distribution, a dedicated X4 Server is set up containing only the automatically started processes. This X4 Server instance has the possibility to notifying the other X4 Systems via the shared database. As described in the section Scenario – Shared Access via Message Queue, it is also possible to exchange messages with the shared database via a message queue.

Scenario II – One server responsible for scheduling

Figure: Planned processes in X4 project

If no additional X4 Server instance should be used for the automatic execution of processes, a separate project within the X4 projects can be used for these processes. This project is then installed exclusively on one of the two X4 Servers. This ensures that only this server instance executes the processes.

Scenario III – External scheduler

Figure: Planned processes via external scheduler service

In addition to the scheduler included in the X4 Server, an external service can also start processes automatically. This service addresses the processes to be executed directly on the server on which project A is installed.

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