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Known Issues 7.4.3

The following list contains the known issues at the time of the release of X4 BPMS 7.4.3.

X4 Server

Scheduled events in BPM do not resume at the correct time

Regardless of whether scheduled events are configured using a duration or date value, the continuation does not occur at the specified time.

X4 Web Apps

Navigation to tabs with video is not possible without restriction

When embedding a video on a tab that is not the first tab in a dashboard, you cannot navigate to the remaining tabs.

Authorization Code Flow stops working after the Keycloak token expires

If, after the Keycloak access token has expired in a Web App with Authorization Code Flow, another Web App with Authorization Code Flow is called via the externalLink attribute in a button, the login does not work.

Existing entries in a List Component are duplicated after the first update when a new entry is added

When a new entry is added to a List Component and the Web App is reloaded, the existing list entries are duplicated. If the Web App is reloaded again, the duplicates will no longer exist.

Map Control: Icons do not load correctly when using routes and markers

If routes and markers are used in a Map control, the icons for both elements will not load correctly and no route will appear on the map. If the Map control is used in the Detail part of a Master/Detail component, this problem does not occur.

Radio button with property of the Boolean type and true value will not be disabled after changing the value to false

If two RadioButton controls with a Boolean property are included in a Web App, both of which are set to true, and the value for a RadioButton control is changed to false, the corresponding option field is not disabled in the Web App.

Filter and sort settings for columns in a Grid component within a dialog are not retained

In a Grid component used within a dialog, the filter and sorting settings for the columns in the Grid are reset despite using the <Remember> element.

Validation message does not appear in the correct position

Validation messages displayed, for example, when users enter a too-long expression in a text field, are aligned in the center and not displayed at the beginning of the text field.

Grid component: The rememberPage attribute of the Remember element has no effect

The Grid component's paging setting is not retained, even if the rememberPage attribute in the Remember element is set to true.

Grid component: Modified column order is not retained

If the column order is changed in a Grid component, the changed order is not retained as desired after reloading the Web App.

Custom controls are not displayed correctly

In some cases , custom controls are always rendered at a height of 150 pixels, regardless of the setting.

Incorrect encoding of data

If a file upload is executed in a Web App, data with umlauts is not transferred correctly in some cases.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.