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Known Issues



Modified configuration is not applied

If configuration changes in the Keycloak are not applied when executing the Keycloak, it may be because you did not precompile the Keycloak configuration.

To avoid this behavior, it is recommended to execute the build command every time you change the Keycloak execution mode. For more information, see the section (7.4.0-en) Starting the Keycloak.

Access to the Keycloak Administration Console not possible from the outside

If the network endpoint for the Keycloak Administration Console (/admin) cannot be accessed from the outside, the Keycloak Administration Console can only be accessed from the computer on which the Keycloak is installed.

To restore access to the Keycloak Administration Console locally

  1. Execute the following actions in the /c:/X4/keycloak/conf/keycloak.conf file:

    • Comment proxy=edge in.

    • Change the entry to hostname=localhost.

  2. Start the Keycloak in development mode (see (7.4.0-en) Starting the Keycloak).

Now you can access the Keycloak as usual by entering http://localhost:8085/auth in a web browser. Depending on your configuration settings, this URL may change.

Once you have performed all the actions in the Keycloak Administration Console, you need to reassign the proxy configuration in Keycloak to allow access to the X4 Server and X4 Web Apps through the proxy server again.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Undo the changes previously made in the /c:/X4/keycloak/conf/keycloak.conf file:

    • Comment proxy=edge out.

    • Change hostname=localhost to

  2. Start the Keycloak in productive mode. file is missing

In some cases, the file is removed from the file system. This results in an error with the following error message when you execute the build command: 

The file is located in the /c:/X4/Keycloak/lib/quarkus/ directory and contains metadata for the Keycloak usage that are used during the pre-compilation of the configuration. 

To fix this issue, create the file /c:/X4/Keycloak/lib/quarkus/ and insert the following data:



If the Keycloak version changes, this data is not valid. In this case, use the contents of the file from a working Keycloak instance.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.