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Shortcuts in the Process Editor

All shortcuts of the Process Editor in an overview.

FunctionShortcut or action
Running and debugging processes

Execute process


Debug process (and eventually abort active debug session)


Execute and show a single process action (also in subprocesses) while debugging


Execute a process action (without showing subprocess actions) while debugging


Jump back from the subprocess to the main process while debugging


Pause debugging

Ctrl + F8

Resume paused debugging


Cancel debugging

Ctrl + F2

Inserting process components and transitions

Insert process component from the repository between two connected components

Insert a file from the repository onto the transition via drag&drop; When the line expands, drop the symbol.
Move process component while keeping the transitionPress Alt while moving the process component on the workplace.
Delete process component while keeping the transitionAlt + Del.
Replace process component by another repository fileDrag and drop a repository file on the process component to be replaced.
Insert process component behind an unconnected component, and automatically create a transitionSelect the unconnected process component, press Shift, and drag the repository file behind the selected process component.
Editing elements

Select all workplace elementsStrg+A
Cut out process componentStrg+X
Copy process componentStrg+C
Paste process componentStrg+V
Delete process componentDel
Undo last actionCtrl+Z
Redo last actionCtrl+Y
Edit process componentDouble-click the symbol
Close editorCtrl+W
Save modified elementCtrl+S
Rename repository fileF2
Move repository fileMove the file into the target folder via drag&drop
Changing viewsZoom out of the process diagramCtrl+- 
Zoom into the process diagramCtrl++ 
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