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JMeter Test Execution

The adapter executes a JMeter test plan and returns a test result as an XML document.



Determines which operation the adapter executes

Possible values: Execute: Execute JMeter test plan



Main class of the adapter (do not change!)

Possible values: en.softproject.integration.adapter. jmeter.JMeterAdapter: Main class (default)


Absolute path to the JMeter installation folder

Possible values: Any path (e.g. c:\jakarta-jmeter-2.3.1\)


IP address or host name of a proxy server for JMeter

Possible values: Any valid string (e.g.


Port number of the proxy server for JMeter

Possible values: Any integer


User name of the proxy server for JMeter

Possible values: Any string


Password of the proxy server for JMeter

Possible values: Any string


Output format for the test result document

Possible values:

  • XML: Output XML document (standard)

  • CSV: Output "Comma separated Value" text file


Output timestamp information as attribute ts in the test result document

Possible values:

  • ms: Output timestamp information in milliseconds (default)

  • none: Do not output timestamp


Output data type as attribute dt in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output data type

  • no: Do not output a data type


Output labelling (label) as attribute lb in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output caption

  • no: Do not output a label (default)


Output response code as attribute rc in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output response code (default)

  • no: Do not output a response code


Output response data as attribute responseData in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output response data

  • no: Do not output response data (default)


Output response data in case of errors as attribute responseDataOnError in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output response data in case of errors

  • no: Do not output response data in case of errors (default)


Output response message as attribute rm in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output response message

  • no: Do not issue a response message (default)


Output success message as attribute successful in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output success message (default)

  • no: Do not issue a success message


Output time (in milliseconds) as attribute t in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output time (default)

  • no: Do not output a time


Output subresult as attribute subresults in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output sub-result

  • no: Do not output a sub-result (default)


Output statements as attribute assertions in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Issue statements

  • no: Do not issue statements (default)


Output latency as attribute l in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output latency

  • no: Do not output latency (default)


Output sampler data as attribute samplerData in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output sampler data

  • no: Do not output sampler data (default)


Output response header as responseHeaders attribute in test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output response header

  • no: Do not output response headers (default)


Output request header as attribute requestHeaders in test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output request header

  • no: Do not output request headers (default)


Output character encoding as attribute c in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output character encoding

  • no: Do not output character encoding (default)


Output bytes as attribute bytes in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output bytes

  • no: Do not output bytes (default)


Output URL as attribute url in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output URL

  • no: Do not output URL (default)


Output number of threads as attribute threadCounts in the test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output data type

  • no: Do not output any data type (default)


Output file name as filename attribute in test result document

Possible values:

  • yes: Output file name

  • no: Do not output a file name


Output result as assertionResults field in test result document (only if outputFormat parameter is set to CSV)

Possible values:

  • none: Do not output a result (default)

  • first: Output first result

  • all: Output all results


Define the field names in the first line of the test result document (only if the outputFormat parameter is set to CSV).

Possible values:

  • yes: Output field names in the first line

  • no: Do not output field names in the first line (default)


Separator between the individual data fields of a record in the test result document (only if parameter outputFormat is set to CSV).

Possible values:

  • Any character except escape sequences like \t

  • ,: comma (default)

Status values

1The operation was executed successfully.
-1The operation failed due to a technical error.
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