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JDBC Metadata Explorer

JDBC Metadata Explorer: Establishes a connection to a JDBC-compatible database and determines metadata about the database, tables and columns as well as stored primary and foreign keys. The adapter expects an input XML document with adapter-specific structures to query the desired metadata.



Determines which operation the adapter executes

Possible values: execute: execute adapter



Main class of the adapter (do not change!)

Possible values: en.softproject.integration.adapter.jdbc.meta.MetadataExplorer: Main class (default)


JNDI name of the DataSource

(info)If the connection is established via the JNDI name, the parameter connectionURL must not be filled in.

Possible values: Valid JNDI name (e.g. java:/DefaultDS)


Controls how the column names are taken over into the result. Since databases have different behaviour regarding the upper/lower case of column names, this can be used to make the further processing of the result independent of the database behaviour.

Possible values:

  • NO_CHANGE: Does not change the column names, i.e. the spelling in the result is exactly as supplied by the database (default).

  • TO_LOWER: Changes the column names to lower case.
  • TO_UPPER: Changes the column names to capital letters

Column names that are not valid element names (NCNAME) are replaced by _<number> (e.g. _2 ), where <number> is the index of the column.


Connection URL for the JDBC database

(info)If the connection is established via the connection URL, the parameter JndiName must not be filled in.

Possible values:

  • The type of setup depends on the database to which a connection is to be established.
  • Example for sqlite: jdbc:sqlite:C:/Temp/mydatabase.db
userUser name for authentication when using the parameter connectionURL
passwordPassword for authentication when using the parameter connectionURL

Status values

1The operation was executed successfully.

The operation was executed successfully, but without any result.

-1The operation failed due to a technical error.


The JDBC Metadata Explorer expects specific input XML structures, which can contain one or more of the metadata queries described below, as required. These input XML structures can be generated dynamically via XSL mappings depending on the processed XML data.

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