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Installing X4 SAP JCo 3

Read on this page which steps are necessary to install X4 SAP JCo 3.

As an example, an installation for the JBoss application server based on a 32 bit Windows system will be described.


To install an SAP JCo 3 Server within the X4 Server SAP libraries are needed, which are operating system and architecture-dependent. These libraries are also needed by the SAP Connector (JCo 3) and the SAP Explorer (JCo 3).

As a registered SAP partner, you can download the necessary libraries and further documentation via SAPNet under

Make sure you select mutually compatible version numbers of the libraries (these are also operating system and architecture-dependent).

Make sure  that your operating system is compatible with the used JDK version and the version of your SAP system. The following matrix shows the relationship of these three variables.


32 bit64 bit32 bit64 bit
JDK32 bitxxx-
64 bit-x-x

Installing the libraries

  1. Copy the native libraries (depending on the system) to the respective folder of the application server for native binary dependencies or to the bin directory of Java.
    Example: Under Windows 32 bit: Copy librfc32.dllmsvcr71.dllmsvcp71.dll and sapjcorfc.dll to C:\Windows\System32  or to C:\X4\Server\jdk1.7\bin

  2. Copy the following Java libraries to the classpath of the application server:

    • sapidoc.jar

    • sapjco.jar

    • sapidocjco.jar

    Example JBoss 4.2.3.GA: Copy these libraries to C:\X4\JBoss4.2.3.GA\server\default\lib.
    Example JBoss AS 7.1.1: Copy these libraries under  C:\X4\Server\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\deployments to the lib directory of X4.ear.

  3. Restart the X4 Server.

Testing the installation

  • Test the connection using the SAP Explorer (JCo 3) (analogous to the X4 Experience example X4Experience/AdapterSuites/ X4SAPSuite// Processes/CreateEmptyBapi.wrf)
  • Make sure that the configuration of the SAP JCo 3 Server is complete

  • Set the adapter parameter SystemType to 3 (for a connection to SAP R/3)

  • Make sure that the adapter operation Create Empty Bapi is set

  • Execute the process with the input XML <Bapiname>BAPI's name</Bapiname> and check the result XML

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