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Installing Plugins

Plugins allow you to extend the functionality of the X4 BPMS. To use a plugin, the .jar file containing the plugin must be deployed via WildFly.

We will send you the .zip file on request. Please contact our support:

  1. Download the .zip file with the plugin.

  2. Unzip the downloaded file into the <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\plugins folder.

  3. In the <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\extensions\main folder, open the module.xml file.

  4. Add the following line to the module.xml file:

    <module name="de.softproject.x4.plugins.<Plugin-Name>" export="true"/>
    <module name="de.softproject.x4.plugins.sql-profiling" export="true"/>
    <module name="de.softproject.x4.plugins.globalparameter.sql" export="true"/>
  5. Restart the X4 Server.
    After restarting the X4 Server, the plugin will be available.

Using Plugins with an Oracle Database

If you want to use a plugin with an Oracle database, you need to install the appropriate JDBC driver for the Oracle database.

  1. Download the appropriate driver at

  2. Create a WildFly module for the JDBC driver.
    To do this, first create the oracle\jdbc\main directory structure in the X4\Server\wildfly\modules\ directory.

  3. Unpack the JDBC driver (e.g. ojdbc.jar) into the directory created above.

  4. Create the module.xml file with the following content:

    <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.5" name="oracle.jdbc"><!-- Der Namespace urn:jboss:module:1.5 kann sich zwischen den Wildfly Versionen unterscheiden. -->
        <resource-root path="ojdbc.jar"/><!-- Hier den Dateinamen des JDBC Treibers angeben, der verwendet werden soll und sich im Verzeichnis befindet. -->
        <module name="javax.api"/>
        <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

    The oracle.jdbc is now available.

  5. Store the installed driver in the module.xml file in the \wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\shared\database\main directory.

  6. Add the following entry to the module.xml file in the \wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\plugins\sql-profiling\main directory:

    <module name="oracle.jdbc" export="true" />

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