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Installing the Third-Party Libraries

The installation of third-party libraries is required to use the PDF Compression and PDF to PDF/A Converter adapters.

How to install third-party libraries

  1. Place the following files in the <Serververzeichnis>\appserver-windows-6.3.4\wildfly\modules\org\faceless\bfopdf\main folder:

    • bfopdf-2.28.2.jar

    • bfopdf-jj2000-2.28.2.jar

    • bfopdf-license.jar

  2. Open the module.xml file in the <Serververzeichnis>\appserver-windows-6.3.4\wildfly\modules\org\faceless\bfopdf\main folder.

  3. Uncomment the following lines:
    <resource-root path="bfopdf-2.28.2.jar"/>
    <resource-root path="bfopdf-jj2000-2.28.2.jar"/>
    <resource-root path="bfopdf-license.jar"/>
    This is how the file should look like:

  4. Save the module.xml file. The third-party libraries for the PDF Compression and PDF to PDF/A Converter adapters are now installed.

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