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Implementing processes and workflows

Typically, people can be integrated into Business Processes via tasks. When modelling Business Processes, this is done using a Human Task component.

If a Business Process runs on a human task during execution, the execution of the Business Process is stopped and the human task is generated. The process waits for the necessary human interaction within the Task Management Web App and continues execution as soon as the human task is completed.

With version 7.0 of X4 BPMS, the way processes and workflows are realized with Case Management has been changed. When you upgrade from a 6.x to a 7.x version, existing processes are automatically migrated.

The following example illustrates the typical implementation with the X4 BPMS.

  1. Model the Business Process as desired.
    The example shows a release process in which, depending on the amount of money to be released, either an automatic release or a release by different process participants takes place.
  2. Define the corresponding case states and business data:
  3. The data is read via an activity. The activity is linked to a technical process that reads the data and outputs all features via the Case Management adapter.
  4. The process state is set via an Intermediate.
    The event's property Case State provides all defined case states.
  5. Decision tables (.rule) are used to store the rules to assign the task to the appropriate person depending on the amount. The input specifies where the data to be checked comes from. Via Case Feature the previously defined features (see Managing Case Data) are specified.

    Decision tables can also be used to evaluate variables, features, parameters or status values (Case State). To do this, Ctrl + space bar in the rule area can be used to call up all currently available variables (v:variable name), features (f:feature name), parameters (p:parameter name) and operation status values (c:CaseState) in a selection list.

  6. A condition component is used to map the various execution branches. The Condition Editor allows to use the case states of the currentBusiness Process as evaluation criteria for the conditions, see Creating conditions.

  7. Configure the corresponding Human Task for each branch and the appearance of the Task Management Web App.

  8. Save and execute the process.
  9. Open the Task Management Web App via the menu Tools > X4 Task Management.
  10. Log in to the Task Management Web App.
    The tasks to be edited are displayed within the application.

    The rule module evaluates which user is allowed to edit a process.

  11. Edit the tasks.

    Which editing functions are available depends on the configuration in the Human Task.
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