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IEC 61850 Client

This adapter connects to an MMS server and reads the device and node information.

The connector thus provides a basic interface for the internationally established communication standard IEC 61850 for the automation of switchgears. It acts as a client and can receive messages as classic client-server communication.



Defines the operation executed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • RequestServerNodes: Search for certain devices and/or nodes and read the values
  • RequestServerModel: Query the device and node directory for the MMS server and output it as XML



Main adapter class (do not change!)

Possible values: de.softproject.integration.adapter.iec.IEC61850 : Main class (default)


The MMS server's IP address or host name

Possible values: Any valid string (e. g.


The MMS server's port number

Possible values: Any integer


Optional login parameter to log onto the MMS server


Time limit for the server request in milliseconds

Possible values:

  • Any integer

  • 0: No time limit

  • 20000: Cancel server request after 20 seconds


Time limit between two incoming data packages in milliseconds

Possible values:

  • Any integer

  • 0: No time limit

  • 20000: Cancel connection after 20 seconds


Sets the maximum TPDU (Transfer Protocol Data Unit)

Possible values: Any integer


Sets the maximum MMS PDU

Possible values: Any integer between 64 and 65000

Status values

1 (successful)

The request was successful and a result was returned

-1 (failed)

The request failed due to a technical error


Operation RequestServerModel

The operation RequestServerModel doesn't require any input XML document.

Operation RequestServerNodes

The operation RequestServerNodes expects an input XML document, which is structured as follows:

	<!-- @Fc is optional; @ObjectReference is required -->
	<Node ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1"/>		<!-- Returns all nodes and devices within ied1lDevice1/LPHD1 -->
	<Node ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1" Fc="MX"/><!-- Returns all nodes and devices within ied1lDevice1/LPHD1 with the function code MX  -->


Operation RequestServerModel

The operation RequestServerModel returns an XML document, which is structured as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<LogicalDevice Name="ied1lDevice1" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1">
		<LogicalNode Name="LLN0" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LLN0">
			<FcDataObject Name="Mod" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LLN0.Mod"
				<BdaQuality Name="q" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LLN0.Mod.q"
					Fc="ST" />
				<BdaTimestamp Name="t" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LLN0.Mod.t"
					Fc="ST" />
			<FcDataObject Name="Beh" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LLN0.Beh"
				<BdaInt32 Name="stVal" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LLN0.Beh.stVal"
					Fc="ST" />
				<BdaQuality Name="q" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LLN0.Beh.q"
					Fc="ST" />
				<BdaTimestamp Name="t" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LLN0.Beh.t"
					Fc="ST" />

Operation RequestServerNodes

The operation RequestServerNodes returns an XML document, in which the corresponding node of the input XML is extended by the response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<Node ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1" Fc="MX">
		<NoResult />
	<Node ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1" Fc="DC">
		<LogicalNode Name="LPHD1" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1">
			<FcDataObject Name="PhyNam" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.PhyNam"
				<BdaVisibleString Name="vendor"
					ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.PhyNam.vendor" Fc="DC" Value=""
					MaxLength="255" StringValue="" />
	<Node ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1">
		<LogicalNode Name="LPHD1" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1">
			<FcDataObject Name="PhyHealth" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.PhyHealth"
				<BdaInt32 Name="stVal" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.PhyHealth.stVal"
					Fc="ST" Value="0" />
				<BdaQuality Name="q" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.PhyHealth.q"
					Fc="ST" Value="AAA=" Overflow="false" Inconsistent="false"
					Validity="GOOD" OperatorBlocked="false" Inaccurate="false" OldData="false"
					Oscillatory="false" BadReference="false" Failure="false"
					Substituted="false" OutOfRange="false" Test="false" />
				<BdaTimestamp Name="t" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.PhyHealth.t"
					Fc="ST" Value="AAAAAAAAAAA=" Date="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					LeapSecondsKnown="false" ClockNotSynchronized="false" TimeAccuracy="0"
					ClockFailure="false" />
			<FcDataObject Name="Proxy" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.Proxy"
				<BdaBoolean Name="stVal" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.Proxy.stVal"
					Fc="ST" Value="false" />
				<BdaQuality Name="q" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.Proxy.q"
					Fc="ST" Value="AAA=" Overflow="false" Inconsistent="false"
					Validity="GOOD" OperatorBlocked="false" Inaccurate="false" OldData="false"
					Oscillatory="false" BadReference="false" Failure="false"
					Substituted="false" OutOfRange="false" Test="false" />
				<BdaTimestamp Name="t" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.Proxy.t"
					Fc="ST" Value="AAAAAAAAAAA=" Date="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
					LeapSecondsKnown="false" ClockNotSynchronized="false" TimeAccuracy="0"
					ClockFailure="false" />
			<FcDataObject Name="PhyNam" ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.PhyNam"
				<BdaVisibleString Name="vendor"
					ObjectReference="ied1lDevice1/LPHD1.PhyNam.vendor" Fc="DC" Value=""
					MaxLength="255" StringValue="" />
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